Exercises for the priests: the top 5 for practicing at home

Exercises for the priests: the top 5 for practicing at home
 To make the figure slim and tighten the buttocks, the girls are turning to cosmetologists, nutritionists and even surgeons. However, a variety of treatments and diets do not always give the desired results, and grown thin buttocks do not become rounded and elastic. Ass to become a truly beautiful, necessary physical exercise, aimed at developing the muscles of this region.  
 Begin with a warm-up exercise. Within 10 minutes of rise to the low bench or step and falls, then placing the foot in the side, placing them side by side. At the end, go on a run.

Pay attention to your diet. Eat healthy foods to have a beautiful figure and enhance the effectiveness of the exercises. Keep track of all calorie intake, because their excess turns into fat on the buttocks. Give up the habit to eat at one time too much food. Know what and how much you eat. Training will give good results, if you stop to overload your body with unnecessary calories.

Exercises for beautiful priests should exert multiple zones. To achieve the desired results in the shortest possible time necessary to actively use such methods as the change in the position of feet, withdrawal or a set of toes.

Exercise №1

This exercise is performed to lift the plane priests. Make it necessary in the supine position. Legs should lie slightly wider shoulders, arms out to the sides. Bend your knees so as to form an angle of 60 degrees. Lift your pelvis off the floor. Lower it by force of his buttocks, then rises again. Repeat the exercise 30 times.

After that, let the muscles relax and you can proceed to the next approach. Keep track of the movements, lower pelvis very slowly, that it does not happen by inertia. Lowering must be due to the voltage of the gluteal muscles.

Exercise №2

Lie on your stomach. Join hands in the castle, and put them under the chin. Necessary, bending your knees, try to get to the priests heels, but not to do so. Perform each exercise rhythmic and fast, not less than 50 times. Regular performance of this exercise is well developed gluteus maximus.

Exercise №3

Lie on your stomach and so bend your knees to their lower part is perpendicular to the floor. Hands should occupy the same position as in the previous exercise. Keep your knees off the floor a couple of centimeters, thus straining the muscles of the buttocks. Follow the gap slowly, without sudden movements. In order not to injure the kneecap, lower them slowly. Do three sets of 10 times.

Do not forget the sequence. Aperiodic, chaotic exercises become an obstacle to achieving beautiful elastic buttocks.

Exercise №4

Get on your knees. Lean hands on the floor by pulling the leg back. Knee and toe allocated legs should look at the floor. Lift that leg, the maximum straining gluteal muscle, and lower. Note that you can not throw a leg. Otherwise, you may injure the knee, and do not get the desired effect of the exercise. Do two sets of 25 times for each leg.

Exercise №5

Take the same starting position that was found in the previous exercise, but do not rely on your hands, and forearms. Slightly bent leg slowly lift up and pull down. Do not throw a leg, feel the rise in muscle tension. Do two sets of 25 repetitions for each leg.

Tags: house, buttocks, complex exercise, figure, exercise, top, pop