Tights - harm or benefit women's legs?

Tights - harm or benefit women's legs?
 Is almost impossible to imagine modern woman who would not wear pantyhose or stockings. With this enhancement, the image of women becomes more refined and becomes complete. But is it safe for women's health daily wear tights?

Many domestic and foreign doctors, including dermatovenereologists argue that women who regularly wear synthetic tights are more susceptible to risk of developing many chronic diseases and acute vaginal infections. Synthetic tights moisture become a cause of delay and the occurrence of the "greenhouse effect" in the skin of the feet, which has a beneficial effect on the development of various bacteria and microorganisms, which due to the deteriorating health of the feet and the whole operation of the venous system in particular.

Most doctors say that the emergence of the "greenhouse effect" due to the fact that women wear pantyhose on a few sizes too small, in order to make your legs slimmer. However, the narrow synthetic tights have a negative impact on the reproductive system. The organs of the pelvis and genitourinary system decreases blood flow, due to the fact that the narrow tights strongly astringent. Consequently, creating favorable conditions for the development of inflammation and infection, which can then lead to infertility.

It should be noted that many of the women wearing tights helpful. For example, for the prevention of the emergence and development of varicose veins should wear tights with compression properties that create a semblance of a skeleton and protect veins from overstretching.

Feel comfortable expectant mother allow tights for pregnant women who have elastic inserts for the growing tummy and made of soft microfiber. Also there warming tights which are made of synthetic materials with addition of wool or cotton. These tights are indispensable in the cold season.

It should be noted that by choosing high-quality tights desired size from well-known manufacturers, we can protect yourself from the appearance of adverse health effects.

Tags: effect, use, tights, leg injury