Winter things: conservation by the rules

Winter things: conservation by the rules
 Spring - it's time to clean winter clothes for storage until the next season. Before heading to the mezzanine clothes and shoes, you need to tidy up fur coats, sheepskin coats. If necessary - to sew, clean, dry.
 Take sheepskin coat and dry-cleaned - it is better not to clean these things on their own, even if it will be engaged professionals. Read reviews of a good institution, ask acquaintances, friends, neighbors, whether they provided services there, as would be a shame if, during the dry cleaning expensive thing will be spoiled. And this happens very often. Claim damages then much harder and longer than gather preliminary information.

If resources permit, give fur deposited in a special refrigerator. This service is provided by many firms. Keep the thing can be at home. Dry it and hang on the broad shoulders: thin wire will not work. Do not use batteries. Pack a fur coat in a cloth bag, which can make your own. Desirably, the cover was blue, and white coats for blue or condition is required. Otherwise lose fur color.

Sheepskin coat and it's best to keep in the closet, keeping the temperature between 5 and 20 degrees. Pre-put in your pocket money from the moth, hemlock, sachets of powdered lavender, geranium or dried lemon, orange peel.

Wash boots and shoes, dry them, brush the shoe protective cream. But before Disinfect: two cotton swab lightly soak vinegar essence and place inside the shoe. Then put the shoes in a plastic bag and leave it tightly closed for 10-12 hours.

Be sure to put it in winter shoes or pads raspravochnye tamp capes crumpled newspaper before you remove your deposit. The same make with the boots. Hang them in the closet, trailers clothespins his boot. Patent leather shoe store well in a stocking: so it will not scratch.

Woolen clothes wash special means. Store items in convenient vacuum covers (sold in a set with a pump that pumps air). Such packages can help save up to 80% of the seats in the cabinet.

Tags: thing, storage, preservation