How to get rid of acne spots

How to get rid of acne spots
 As a result of improper handling, removal and disinfection of acne on the face are spots that do not add attractiveness of their owner. Most often stains remain after repeated extrusion, so it's better to prevent their occurrence than to treat later. Dark red spots left after acne can be removed at home without the help of professionals.
 Mask of bodyagi

Excellent effect against spots from acne homemade mask has prepared on the basis of concoctions. Take a tablespoon of powder concoctions and mix with a few spots of a solution of hydrogen peroxide 3%. Stir the mixture until smooth and put on the area of ​​spots. The mask will then be slightly burn the skin. Twenty minutes rinse the face with warm water. Perhaps, after the application of this tool, your skin will turn red, but after a while already appreciate its purity and perfect condition.

Apple cider vinegar to combat spots

Mix a tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar with three tablespoons of purified water, mix and rub twice a day the affected skin with a cotton swab dipped in the prepared solution. To get rid of the already long-standing stains, soak cosmetic disk solution of apple cider vinegar and apply for five minutes on the problem areas.

The mask of white clay

It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to buy cosmetics, which are sometimes just useless. Prepare a mask at home, it will save money and take a little of your time, and the effect will make you happy. Take half a tablespoon of white clay and mix with two teaspoons of fresh lemon juice. Add a small amount of water to get the consistency of sour cream and mix everything carefully. The resulting mass is put on the problem areas of the face and leave on for fifteen minutes. Rinse with cool water and apply moisturizer.

The use of essential oils

Essential oils are an excellent job not only with acne, but following their extrusion. Wipe the face several times a day alternately oil rosemary and tea tree oil. Excellent effect is given tea tree oil, avocado, lavender and lemon juice, mixed in equal proportions. These funds will help remove not only red, but dark spots from acne. It is worth remembering that essential oils can cause allergies and itching, provoked an increase in pressure. Keep track of your feelings, the appearance of unpleasant sensations and symptoms, stop using the oils.

Each person has different properties koi and the degree of neglect too. So do not wait for the result quickly, someone will see positive results after only a week, and some will have to look after your skin all year round. With careful and regular maintenance will the fruits of your work. Do not despair, but believe.

Tags: pimple

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