How to add volume to thin hair

How to add volume to thin hair
 Regardless of skin color, hair length and structure of the body a woman wants to be beautiful. Happy owner of thick long hair easily create wonderful hairstyle, just combing your hair rich. But the girl, whom nature has not endowed waterfall of hair, looking for any ways to add volume to thin hair.

To start to define your hair type. If your hair is dry and thin, then give them the amount of help cascading haircut shoulder-length or slightly below. Too long hair look even thinner, and if you collect them at the hairpin, then all will turn out "mouse tail". Since dry hair does not require frequent shampooing, does not weigh down your hair with plenty of styling. Dry your hair with a hair dryer and a round brush, lifting them from the roots and sprinkle with varnish. The next morning, it will be enough to lower his head down and again use hairspray. Hairstyle volume remains throughout the day.

 For normal hair type is also nice haircut cascade, as well as any short bob hairstyle that goes to your face type. On top of better cut your hair shorter - it will give extra volume. Just give the appearance of thick hair help "ragged ends." Ask barber walk through hair thinning shears and your hair will seem much more voluminous. Use styling foam or mousse for normal hair, lift the hair from the roots when dry hairdryer.

 If you have oily and thin hair, to give them volume take a little longer. First, wash your hair every day, to avoid oily sheen. Secondly, during installation, use light rinse volume to hair - it sprays, paints not strong fixation. It is better not to use gels and wax - it's just weighing the hair, they hung "icicles" and beautiful hair is not long linger on your hair. Choose a hairstyle that does not require a lot of time to care. Remember that you will have to do her hair every morning.

 For all types of hair is very important to choose the right shampoo. Choose a shampoo for fine hair to add volume to the hairstyle. Try several brands to assess the impact of different tools on your hair. The same applies to the means for stacking. Do not be afraid to try new items, it may be just what you need.

 Beauty salon stylist, ask to take into account not only the shape of your face when choosing hairstyles, but also the thickness of your hair. An experienced specialist will offer you a choice of hairstyles, from which you can choose the right according to all criteria. Do not hold the long hair from the fact that long to grow them, or mother / husband is not allowed to get a haircut. Believe me, seeing you with a new stylish hairdo your family and loved ones instantly forget about his request.

 Remember the hair color. Highlights broad strands and coloring, in which out of lighter hair peeking hair for a couple of shades darker than give the appearance of volume hairstyle. If the hair color is dark. it seems that the hair more than the fact and they are more dense. The worst possible color for fine hair - blond. It makes your hair very scarce.

 And most importantly, listen to itself and love yourself even with hair, though no hair. Remember that others treat you the way you feel about yourself.

Tags: hair, hairstyle, type

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