If your appetite away while eating ...

If your appetite away while eating ...
 Search food and enjoying prepared food - is a standard genetic program, which is incorporated in every person. Parents usually seek to bring home food, feed the baby, that he had never experienced hunger. However, not all children with pleasure ready to absorb the proposed dishes.  

Quite often, the problem of feeding the child is particularly acute. What if appetite beloved offspring lowered or no?

Firstly, it is better to consult a specialist to diagnose the possible manifestations of lack of appetite. Perhaps the child wants to eat, but can not due to dental pain, inflammatory processes in the throat, gum disease. And it is possible that the pain during ingestion arise in the gastro-intestinal tract.

In addition to refuse food the child can and because of nasal congestion, leading to difficulty breathing.

It should also carefully observe the child. There are cases that the kid does not like the taste of food (too salty, sweet, sour, bitter), or he does not like a particular product (onion, garlic in a salad, cream of wheat, boiled beets). These products may cause a gag reflex nausea. These same effects can cause physical characteristics of food, for example, large pieces, main dish or "tea - hot water" too cold salad.

In the event that all of the above parameters are excluded parents themselves or with the help of a doctor, you should pay attention to the cause of the unwillingness to eat. Such a cause may be a viral or infectious diseases, which ultimately lead to loss of appetite.

And in the end it is worth noting that the lack of appetite can cause:
a slowly metabolism (eaten for breakfast food to digest for a long time, hence the feeling of hunger does not occur);
hormone is the intensity (more than is required for the development and growth hormone, and the greater the required nutrients);
-level of energy in the body (the larger child moves, the more energy it needs).

Similar reasons for the lack of appetite occur in adults. It is essential that this problem and, if necessary, seek medical help from a specialist.

Tags: child time, appetite, food