Currently in Russia there were more than 2 million different species of dietary supplements. In this part of the drug is not registered, but still successfully sold through distributors. Another part of the food additives that help to lose weight, and did not allowed to spread, as the tablets are not identified harmless herbs, minerals and vitamins, and psychotropic substances.
A number of scientific studies have shown that in terms of the drug contains much less the stated norms of useful minerals. Undoubtedly, they will not cause harm, but you do not get what they wanted, especially in terms of weight loss.
Especially do not look for miraculous effect of dietary supplements for weight loss. They help to lose weight is not always, but stomach problems caused quite often. Experts from the fields of medicine altogether skeptical of this category of food additives and prescribe them very rarely.
But in addition to the negative effects, there are benefits that have nutraceuticals containing amino acids, minerals and vitamins. Yes, the dose of nutrients may be somewhat understated, but with regular use seen a positive effect. Drink them only after consultation with a physician. Actually he also has to choose which suit you best drug.
The second group of dietary supplements include para-pharmaceuticals are considered virtually drugs. Hold them much hope it is not necessary, but taken as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of any disease can be. Completely heal the illness they can not but help accelerate the process of recovery.
Before using dietary supplements consultation with the therapist is required! Otherwise, you can harm your health.