Grape seed oil for face and body

Grape seed oil for face and body
 The oil obtained by extraction of grape seed, has long been used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. Due to the high content of vitamin P, which is vital to the human body and increases the elasticity of capillaries, it is even called "the hormone of youth". Because of its light texture it is used in cosmetics as a base creams designed for oily and combination skin.

Due to their properties and high penetrating power, grape seed oil is used as a basis moisturizes and nourishes the funds for the face and body. It improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands and pores, giving the skin a smooth, well-groomed appearance. These funds soften and beneficial effect on aging, sluggish and inert skin, providing regenerative effect.

When mixed with other essential oils, it is part of the special anti-aging creams that rejuvenate the skin, improve its elasticity and eliminate fine wrinkles. Under the influence of grape seed oil skin a healthy appearance, becomes more elastic and soft.

The oil also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory action, as its unsaponifiable fraction contains antioxidants and helps to eliminate violations of intracellular metabolic processes occurring in the skin, tones it perfectly. This oil treating abrasions and cracks, especially those that are formed on the heels while drying of the upper layers of the skin. A astringent properties allow its use in the treatment of acne, streptococcal (diaper dermatitis) and vezikulopustuleza (pustular rashes).

High absorbent properties make grape seed oil excellent conductor for various courier agents. Best facial and body using different mixtures thereof with other essential oils in a ratio of 1: 1.

Often, grape seed oil is used alone or in combination with avocado oil, jojoba and other various massages. It is particularly effective for procedures aimed at maintaining the elasticity of the chest, as well as anti-cellulite deep massage. In this case, 1-2 tablespoons grape seed oil is added 2-3 drops of oil of juniper, geranium, cypress, lavender, patchouli.

Can be used for face masks as oil wiper. Apply them to the face, adding to the base - grapeseed oil a few drops of your chosen essential oil. If a skin problem, use as an additive oil of ylang-ylang, kayaputa, chamomile, sandalwood, rosemary, lemon or rose.

Tags: face, oil, mask, bone, body, action

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