What happens if you go in the winter without a hat

What happens if you go in the winter without a hat
 A huge number of girls and women who care about their hair, neglected cap, thereby exposing themselves to serious danger. Local hypothermia head leads to various diseases, which are difficult to cope with and for them often do not pass in vain for the body.

The biggest problem in winter lovers to go hatless is ear pain. Wind Shear and general hypothermia head often leads to inflammation of the middle and outer ear, the appearance of boils in the ear canal. All these phenomena are accompanied by severe pain. Treating inflammation takes a lot of time and will require a serious approach.

The second major problem for those who neglect cap in the cold season, are diseases of the nasopharynx. Local hypothermia leads to a decrease in mucosal immunity and vulnerability to infections. Caused inflammation of the nasal mucosa may spread to the mucosa of the throat, and vice versa. In severe cases, if no measures were taken, there may be stagnant inflammation in the sinuses - sinusitis (sinusitis, sinusitis).

Another effect of hypothermia head is a severe headache associated with vascular spasm. Typically, there is pain in the occipital part and does not disappear even after some time warming.

Widely known in the medical world "syndrome uncovered head." As a result, there is an inflammation of the facial hypothermia, trigeminal or occipital nerve. Inflammation of the facial nerve is accompanied by throbbing pain and immobilization of one part of the face. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is accompanied by "shooting" severe pain provoked by touching the scalp. Inflammation of the occipital nerve pain manifests itself in the back of the head donating to the eye and telling. Neuralgia pain sufficiently strong and painful. Treatment of neuritis (inflammation of nerves) will require diligence and skill of the doctor patient.

Fans of winter walking bareheaded endanger the very hairstyles that are afraid to spoil the cap. The fact is that when supercooling occurs scalp vasospasm and poor circulation of hair follicles, and often their extinction. In addition peremerzshie hair loses elasticity, break and become dull.

In fashionable hat every girl and woman is not only comfortable, but also look much more attractive than the cold wind with tousled hair, a red nose and ears.

Tags: hair, hat, vessel inflammation, neuritis, sinusitis, hypothermia

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