As a basis for make-up it is advisable to use a moisturizer with UV. In the summer of such a framework is more relevant as the sun this time of year is particularly active.
The use of foundation and powder in the summer is also quite acceptable. Just do not forget that the tonal resources necessary to match the color of your skin.
Effect of light tan you can easily achieve with the help of blush. To do this, apply blush on the cheeks - from the middle of the cheeks to the temples, on the forehead, tip of the nose and chin. Mindful of the fact that in the summer the neck and shoulders, as a rule, open, apply a little blush on the neck and above the clavicles.
To sum up my eyes, not necessarily use a special pencil or liquid eyeliner. You can easily manage shades for the eyes. Best suited dry shade, as shadows on the basis of fat in hot weather will quickly slide on the eyelids.
If you do decide that some shadows not enough, eyeliner pencil, draw an arrow from the middle of the century to the outer corner. Make sure that the arrows on the top end of the century was a continuation of the lower eyelid.
To emphasize the shape of the eyebrows better not to use a pencil, and all the same eyeshadow. It will be much faster. Especially, the result will be better.
Use a lengthening mascara. Mascara bulking not give ease your way.
In choosing a lipstick and lip liner stick to natural delicate shades. Remember that in summer make-up natural - first and foremost. In summer you can even do without lipstick.
Since color is of course possible to conduct experiments. Summer - the best time to do this. But summer makeup should not be too catchy and provocative. It intends to highlight your natural beauty. Therefore still choose natural subtle shades.