The most common, and many drink - cocoa, not only delicious, but also useful for the organism. It perfectly restores the muscles and raises the tone. It is prepared easily and quickly. In a metal container, pour 2-3 tablespoons of cocoa powder, add sugar to taste and pour all the fresh milk. Bring the mixture to a boil and remove from heat. Cool slightly.
Invigorating mixture of honey and lemons will not only restore the body's energy boost for the whole day, but saturate it with vitamins. Just chop finely 2-3 lemon in a convenient container, add to it 2 tablespoons of honey and mix thoroughly. The mixture should be placed in a cool place and take in the morning, 2-3 tablespoons after breakfast.
For the next invigorating mixture need walnuts, dried apricots, honey, prunes and honey. All ingredients should be mixed in a blender or mixer. Take a nutritious and valuable in its composition is useful as a mixture in the morning and throughout the day.
Drinks made with the Securities hips, causing a huge surge of strength, energy and charge the powerful support in the tone of the nervous system. Therefore, the use-based drinks rose hips is expedient in the morning. And they are prepared as follows.
Method 1: 2 tbsp. l. dried rose hips mix with the same amount of dried black currant leaves. Add 2 tbsp. l. honey and pour all the boiling water. The mixture infuse for 1 5/2 hours. You can take it as a standalone drink, as well as add a morning tea.
Method 2: 2-3 tbsp rose hips, 2 tablespoons depressed buckthorn berries and 1 tablespoon hawthorn berries pour boiling water in a metal or enamel basin and insist 3:00. To take as well as the previous drink.
Particularly natural green tea rich vital to the organism micronutrients such as iodine, manganese, cobalt, silicon. Therefore, it is not only useful for toning, but in some cases even has a therapeutic effect.