Try a half hour before bedtime eat some fat-free corn flakes. This food stimulates the body to make serotonin - the hormone that makes you feel calm and peace.
Good help for insomnia bananas and oatmeal. They are rich in melatonin, so give the desired relaxation, relieve stress, which arose after a hard day. You can draw a dream and a glass of low-fat yogurt with nuts: this delicacy you get lysine and arginine, leading to full sleep, as well as magnesium and calcium, which will prolong the holidays.
Conquer insomnia, you can use a handful of sesame seeds. There are many rare amino acids - tryptophan induces sleep. The same effect will have a slice of lean turkey or pretzel with salt - carbohydrate sources. After consumption of carbohydrates you will always feel sluggish and sleepy. Just do not overdo it with meals, along with a welcome to the peace did not come from eating those extra pounds.
A glass of wine - also an excellent remedy for insomnia. Expand blood vessels, reduce the pressure, heart rate will be adjusted. You will not notice how easily fall asleep. But drinking too much alcohol is not necessary - you can get the opposite effect. If you - a staunch teetotaler, wine can be replaced with cherry juice without sugar
Very helpful in the battle for healthy sleep products, which contain a lot of vitamin C - sweet red pepper, citrus, cabbage, black currant. They slow down the formation of the stress hormone cortisol and eventually provide a good rest.
There are other natural sleeping pill - the hormone melatonin, and it is called the sleep hormone. He is a member of salmon (there is also useful for sleep docosahexaenoic acid), baked potatoes, white bread, broccoli, almonds, warm milk with honey.