Not so long ago, in the Soviet period, the production of any goods and food was strictly standardized guests. For example, in the same sausages, which sometimes becomes a real deficit, the content of natural meat had to be at least 50%, and the quality achieved by strict monitoring and verification. Now the situation has changed radically, with sausages and hot dogs sometimes difficult to call meat products.
No, today, too, there are manufacturers who are trying to produce a quality product, but most of it is still denied. The so-called technical specifications (TS), which replaced the GOST, cheaper and quality requirements for manufactured goods more loyal.
Many people believe that dogs and sausages safer than, for example, sausage. Spices are much less no combustion products (resins), but many other components: colorants, flavor enhancers, thickening agents, fillers, flavorings, preservatives. A reasonable question arises: where is the meat?
Alas, the real meat of the sausages consists of about 10%, and 30% - a fat, leather, meat birds. In the work is everything: pork skin, tendons, blood. Not very "tasty" composition, to put it mildly. About soy products and their presence in many foods known to all, and besides the notorious soya - is not the greatest evil. Soy absorbs all: flavors, preservatives, and other additives, keeps moisture and keeps the taste. But sometimes in soy sausages can be genetically modified, and this product is worth exactly cheap.
The additives used in the production of sausages, including frankfurters, and may cause severe allergic digestive disorders. Meanwhile, a special nutritional value in them is not present, most sausages - concentrate completely unnecessary substances, but they can eat quickly, easily satisfy your hunger, and children do not have to persuade. Most parents feed their children sausages and hot dogs because they simply do not find the strength to teach kids to wholesome food.
Yet abandon frankfurters and sausages completely impossible. Here are some tips when choosing these products: do not take a bright pink or dark sausage, look for a product with a uniform grayish-pink stuffing; carefully read the label on which is written composition; do not buy too salty foods, sausages such a large number of sodium nitrite; sausages should not be too soft, the meat should be firm. Successful you shopping.