An ordinary person when visiting the baths or saunas enough to drink 3-4 glasses of fluid. In the first focus is standing on his desire and mood. Need to drink, not because it is accepted, but because both want.
Experts believe that the best drinks for bath and sauna - a grassy, green or black tea, all kinds of juices and mineral water. They should drink slowly, in small sips.
If you decide to visit the bath or sauna, and you have a cold start, try to make tea with raspberry or lime blossoms. This drink removes toxins, increases perspiration, it is incredibly important to the body quickly and easily cope with the disease.
If you want to improve and strengthen your body, brew tea with St. John's wort, mint, leaves currants or strawberries. Experts recommend adding a tea: marjoram, chamomile, mother and stepmother, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, rose hips, valerian, corn silk, hawthorn. Best of all, make tea at home. To this mix four parts to one part of tea herb after brew. Pour it into a thermos and bring in the bath or sauna. The resulting beverage is good for blood vessels, heart, gastrointestinal tract, and the nervous system.
To quench your thirst after the pair can be used and the infusion of rose hips. Its fruit is very rich in vitamins. The drink has anti-inflammatory and choleretic effect. It also improves the condition of the vessels. Fit and tea with wild rose extract, it is also possible to drink in saunas and baths.
Remember that you should not drink cold and chilled drinks. They are, in contrast to a warm liquid, it is not quench thirst nor reduce body temperature, but merely contribute to diseases of the throat and upper airways.
Bear in mind that older people should not consume plenty of fluids and drinking strong tea. This creates an additional burden on the excretory and the cardiovascular system. Also, strong tea is contraindicated in gastric hyperacidity.
And finally, a few words about what drink did not drink in the baths and saunas. Of course, this alcoholic products. It is very heavy in the kidney and heart. Intoxicated person can not properly assess his condition. He determines the load that is capable of supporting its body. Drunk man sitting in the steam room for a long time and the wrong wire (or does not hold at all) contrasting procedures. In most cases, alcohol - the cause of unhappiness in the bath and sauna.