Vaccinations: for or against?

Vaccinations: for or against?
 First vaccination applied English physician Edward Jenner in 1796. Live vaccinia virus he put his son and his friend. Mass vaccination of the population helped to prevent epidemics of terrible diseases that kill millions. In 1998, the Russian Federation came into force a law allowing refuse to be vaccinated. The question of the rationality of vaccination remains open.
 The Russian Federation has the national immunization schedule. Newborn baby on the fourth day put vaccinated against tuberculosis, vaccination is repeated seven and fourteen years. Hold annual Mantoux test, which is designed to monitor the availability of immunity against tuberculosis.

Hepatitis B baby vaccinated after 6 hours after birth, vaccination is repeated after one and six months.

DTP - a comprehensive vaccination against diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus. Vaccination many times: three, four and a half, six months, one and a half years, seven years, seventeen, twenty-seven, thirty-seven, and every ten years.

OPV - vaccine against polio conducted in three, four and a half, six months, one and a half years, a year and eight months in seven years. Vaccine is administered in conjunction with DTP.

ZHKV - vaccinated against measles in one year and seven years. DRI - mumps vaccination put in one year and six years. Rubella - a one-year, six and fourteen years.

Vaccinated child is not protected by 100% of infectious diseases, but the advantage is still there. In case of illness it is mild, without giving serious complications that often lead to disability. This is, perhaps, all that can be said in favor of vaccination.

Shortcomings in vaccination much more. Initially it was assumed that only patients will be vaccinated directly forced into contact with people who are sick or in the case of a threat of mass epidemic.

Vaccination - a heavy blow to the immune system. The recovery period lasts long enough. During this time the child has time to recover several times respiratory infections, which in turn weakens the immune system stronger.

Vaccinate only perfectly healthy baby. If the doctor spent inspection and made the wrong conclusion, put the patient vaccinated child, complications are inevitable.

Nearly all vaccinated adversely affect not only the immune system, but also in the central nervous system. In many vaccines composed chemical elements: carcinogens (formalin), organic salts of aluminum hydroxide.

Many vaccinations give serious complications: local reaction, reaching to purulent abscesses, fever, cramps. Kidney damage can occur, joints, gastrointestinal tract, heart. Experience an allergic reaction occur fainting, anaphylactic shock and in a few cases documented cases of sudden death.

Tags: Ambassador, there is no action, complications, vaccination, vaccination