Moles on the body: when to raise a panic?

Moles on the body: when to raise a panic?
 Moles, or as they are called in medicine, "nevi", are small brown spots located in various places on the human body. A lot of moles inherent in the human body long before his birth. However, there are many cases of moles on lifelong learning.

In most cases, a mole on the body does not entail a risk to health. However, this applies only to those spots which are small in size and light brown color. The number of such moles can reach up to a hundred pieces. However, there are spots that can cause considerable trouble to the owner, until the occurrence of serious diseases.

Returning to the amount of moles, can be said that they can lead to an increase in the development of malignant cancers. This danger are moles that have, as a rule, larger than 2 cm. (Statement does not apply to congenital birthmarks). In addition, the so-called "dangerous" moles tend to constantly change their size, decreasing, then increasing.

Not only the size but also the shape of moles may suggest the presence of its owner had any health problems. Considered safe flat moles on the body. They are difficult to catch clothing or just accidentally knock over. Significant threat are convex moles. They interfere with their presence, risking the seams of clothing or under the nail of their owner.

If the data are the mole of the human body from birth, they do not pose a serious health risk in addition to what may be inadvertently "removed" by owner (this may lead to loss of blood in the body). However, if these moles suddenly transformed from the usual plane, you should immediately consult a doctor (oncologist or a dermatologist).

In addition, the shape of the normal moles should be round or oval. Hazardous same birthmarks are often irregular in shape, and at the same time they are constantly changing color (sometimes it may even become bright red). An alarm signal can also serve as the presence of bleeding from a mole.

Any transformation of existing moles may indicate incipient melanoma (cancer), subsequently leading to death. That is why in case of any changes to moles should as soon as possible consult a physician.

Tags: birthmark, body swelling, panic, nevus

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