Vaccinations: evil or salvation?

Vaccinations: evil or salvation?
 Vaccination has been and remains the main preventive method to prevent dangerous infections. Vaccination world overcame diseases such as smallpox and plague, also decreased the incidence of measles, rubella, whooping cough and diphtheria. Those children who live in large cities, are at increased risk for contact with viral diseases. But despite this, many parents still refuse to vaccinate (free), fear of complications or for other reasons.

Many parents, yielding agitation, refuse preventive vaccination, considering this act good for your baby. But without understanding the whole essence of vaccination and not knowing about the complications that cause disease, parents are wrong.

Many people mistakenly believe that the child will develop after vaccination severe reaction. Of course, individual allergy can be always, but the percentage of such complications is very low. To prevent possible complications to be vaccinated against the backdrop of desensitizing therapy.

Currently in medicine use only safe and reliable vaccine. There are situations where a child really needs medotvod vaccination. If your child has a chronic disease, recently had SARS or contraindicated in neurology, the vaccination should be postponed or vaccinate individual schemes.
All vaccines are divided into live attenuated (measles, rubella, chickenpox, tuberculosis, polio) and killed. The second group of vaccines that contain parts of killed bacteria or viruses, or obtained by artificial means. There is a separate group - toxoids (influenza, DTP, hepatitis B and polio killed).

After vaccination, there is a development of immunity in the body produce antibodies. They are specific to each disease. Immunity lasts from several months to several years (each vaccine-life). Antibodies did not give develop infections, trapped in the body of the child and prevent complications.

Vaccination itself, is the introduction of a small amount of "disease" in the body, and this reaction to the vaccine may be different. Manifestations can be temperature, lethargy. Possible local reactions - redness and swelling at the injection site. The reaction may occur at 1-3 (non-living vaccines) day or 5-14 day (on live vaccines.

Knowing all this, do not be afraid of such reactions. Adequate therapy (antihistamines and antipyretics) can help relieve symptoms. It is important to remember and some advice: do not be vaccinated against the backdrop of infection and 14 days after, three days and a few days after vaccination should give the child antihistamines. Two days after vaccination did not bathe the baby and to refrain from walking.

Tags: evil, vaccination, rescue, vaccination