Immunized against polio

Immunized against polio
 Vaccination is still very acute. Disputes between supporters and opponents of vaccination did not cease. Polio vaccine is administered to children in the first months of life, often combining it with other vaccines.  

Poliomyelitis - is an infectious disease caused by a virus of poliomyelitis first, second, third type. From human to human disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, through contaminated objects, water, food. Through the intestinal mucosa of the nasopharynx or viruses enter the body, proliferate, enter the bloodstream and reach the nerve cells of the brain or spinal cord, destroy them, giving rise to paralysis.

The only way to prevent polio is vaccination. For vaccination use two drugs: oral live polio vaccine (OPV) and inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). They both contain three types of polio virus and able to protect against all existing types of the disease.

OPV is a liquid substance pink containing weakened or modified live viruses. The solution is dropped into the mouth small children on the lymphoid tissue of the pharynx, and the older children - on the surface of the tonsils. OPV is stored for a long time (up to 1 month) in the intestine and produces in the body immunity, almost similar to that which occurs after the actual transfer of the disease.

IPV is presented in liquid form in a syringe doses of 0, 5 ml. Contains killed wild polio viruses and injected babies up to 18 months by injection - subcutaneously in the chuck (perhaps in the shoulder) or intramuscularly in the thigh, shoulder - older children.

Polio vaccination will help the child to confront a dangerous infection, and vaccinated people can get sick.

Tags: health, vaccination, medicine, polio