Fragrant science: a mixture of essential oils to mix essential oils

 Today women's magazine JustLady devotes his story one of the most interesting and important lessons - blending essential oils. You will learn how to choose the right mix of smells, to come up with its own unique flavor, how to mix essential oils. Before taking up their own compositions, you have to decide on two things: how you will use it (in aromalampe, massage, inhalation) and your main objectives (stimulation, relaxation and so on. D.).

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In drawing up thea mixture of essential oils pay attention to the degree of volatility of the substance, the main therapeutic properties, the impact on the emotional and mental sphere, the type of flavor.

According to the degree of volatility (Types) essential oils are divided into light, medium and heavy.

The main medicinal properties may be different, for example, analgesics, antiseptics.

By the action exerted on the psycheEssential oils can be stimulants relaxants etc. adaptogens. G.

Groups fragrances - Wood, citrus, spicy, etc.

Fragrant science: a mixture of essential oils to mix essential oils

Characteristic of oils on the degree of volatility (types)


Light oils (Gentle with fresh notes) usually evaporate in 20-30 minutes. According to its main therapeutic properties, this group has antiviral, antiseptic effect. Impact on the emotions - refreshing, gives energy, uplifting.

Mild oils include (s):
Flower - Lemon verbena
Citrus - Bergamot, lime, lemongrass, petit grain, orange, grapefruit, lemon, tangerine, citronella.
Herbal - Clary sage, mint, basil.
Wood - Nauli, pine, eucalyptus, kayaputa, arborvitae, tea tree.
Spicy - Cardamom, laurel, anise, coriander, black pepper.
Exotic - Exotic verbena.

As a part ofa mixture of essential oils the number of these aromas will depend on the main purpose of the composition. So Mucha mixture of essential oils for relaxation and sensuality make must contain no more than 1 part light flavors. To soothe you can add two parts, and to refresh and will not interfere with five. Good toning mixture may contain up to 8 parts of oil of this type.


Average essential oils (Floral, warm) have the ability to remove the pain, spasms, facilitate breathing in diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. They promote relaxation, calm. Keep such odors from hour to hour and a half.

By middle oils include (s):

Flower - Oregano, lavender, lemon balm, geranium, chamomile, hyssop.
Herbal - Carrots, thyme, fennel and ordinary, rosemary, marjoram.
Wood - Cypress, juniper, spruce, myrtle.
Spicy - Nutmeg, cloves.
Gum rosin - Fir.
Exotic - Palmarosa.

As a part ofa mixture of essential oils to improve the tone should not take more than one of the flavors of this type. In order toMix well essential oils relaxation, need about 6 parts. For refreshment, sensuality or calm enough 4-5 of the oil from this group.


Heavy aromatic oils have a strong sweet smell and ability to hold from 2 to 6 hours. The main property of this group - a tonic effect. Also, these scents lift your mood and improve brain activity, is an aphrodisiac.

For heavy oils include (s):

Flower - Neroli, jasmine, rose.
Wood - Red and rosewood, cedar.
Spicy - Cinnamon, ginger.
Gum rosin - Frankincense, benzoin, myrrh.
Exotic patchouli, ylang-ylang and sandalwood.

In Order ToMix well essential oils for a sensual composition must take at least 5 of the oil from this group. To soothe and relax enough 3 parts. In the compositions of refreshing and increases the tone is sufficient to use 1 part.

The number of parts in all the examples given on the basis that the entire mixture is 10 parts. That is, for the preparation of a sensual blend of essential oils, according to our records, it is recommended to take 5 pieces of heavy, medium and 4 part 1 part light flavors.Hence it is clear that the mixture should be used correctly and combined all three main types of oils.

As you may have noticed, most of the oil mixture are having more than anything, the required properties. These oils - the basis of your mix. So, in this example sensual mixture being based on the weight of heavy, because they fully possess sensual scents.

Not to be confused with the foundation base. Base - the substance that you take the most for a mixture of essential oils. In order toto draw up a blend of essential oilsYou are going to apply to the skin, be sure to base. The base may serve as vehicles essential oils (fatty odorless), vegetable oils, creams, shampoos and even water.

If you want toMix well essential oils for an interesting composition, use oil from the same group, for example, all three types of floral scents: light, medium and heavy. You can also add in a mixture of oil from neighboring groups: citrus and floral, woody and grassy, ​​herbal, citrus and wood, and so on. D.

In Order ToMix well essential oils first select the flavors on their types, groups and properties. Number of flavors depends on the type of the mixture.A mixture of essential oils treatment usually consist of 3-5 components of perfume compositions 4-7. It is not required, possible options or even the use of oil.

Then drip a drop of oil on each piece of fabric or wool - it will be your testers that you will use in their work. Next, define the main purpose of the mixture, and depending on this, select the type of oil-base. From the options, choose the smell that you like the most.

Now proceed to the choice of accompanying components, focusing on the number of units of this type of oil recommended for your typea mixture of essential oils. Choose ones, the ones that meet your goals and most popular. If you want to add two, say, the average odor can take them in equal amounts (1 drop, for example) or add one more than the other, if you prefer a different smell.

Also the number of drops depends on the basic properties of the appointment and the mixture of essential oils. What does this mean? The fact that the oils of the same group belong to the same type may have different properties according to their influence psychic sphere. For example, cedar and rosewood belong to the group of woody odors and are heavy type. But while oil is a strong adaptogen cedar, rosewood - strong relaxant.

Fragrant science: a mixture of essential oils to mix essential oils

Correctly mix oils for your goals will help the characteristic effects of aromas on the psycho-emotional sphere.

Adaptogens - Spruce, kayaputa, myrtle, mint, Nauli, pine, eucalyptus, bergamot, camphor, cedar, juniper, fir, tea tree.

Harmonizing - Frankincense, sandalwood, hyssop, myrrh.

Relaxants - Anise, ylang-ylang, lavender, marjoram, mandarin, patchouli, marjoram, chamomile, clary sage, rosewood, lemon balm.

Stabilizing - Verbena, neroli, rose, thuja, jasmine, orange, petit grain, thyme.

Stimulants - Cloves, ginger, cinnamon, basil, black pepper, coriander, lemongrass.

Stimulants and adaptogens - Rosemary, Leuzea, grapefruit, lemon, nutmeg, geranium, cypress, carrots.

Adaptogens and stabilizers - Palmarosa.

Correctly mix oils therapeutic characteristics help medicinal properties.

Painkillers - Anise, kayaputa, eucalyptus, marjoram, clove, frankincense, basil, lemon, lavender, rosemary, ginger.

Insomnia - Lavender, lemon balm, chamomile, neroli, clary sage, marjoram, juniper, thyme, ylang-ylang and sandalwood.

From loss of strength, lack of energy - Clove, frankincense, rose, geranium, marjoram, chamomile, sage, black pepper, basil, jasmine, nutmeg, sandalwood, cypress, rosemary, orange, mint, pine.

From nervous tension, irritability - Mandarin, geranium, cedar, bergamot, ylang-ylang, clary sage, neroli.

For dry skin - Cedar, lavender, sage, lemon balm, geranium, chamomile.

For oily skin - Lemongrass, geranium, juniper, myrrh, grapefruit, lavender, sandalwood, tea tree, chamomile cedar.

Joint pain - Fir, cloves, ginger, eucalyptus.

In the gastro-intestinal diseases - basil, fennel, valerian.

From kidney disease - Pine, lavender, fennel.

In diseases of the teeth - Clove, lemon, orange, eucalyptus, tea tree.

Remember that if you cookblend of essential oils for massages, baths, creams and masks, as well as compresses and inhalations, be sure to use base oils or substances!

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: oil nerve characteristic blend combination embodiment, mixing, sedation aromamaslah