Scientists have long known that any alcoholic beverages can cause female characteristics in men and women - men. And most of all with this "handle" is beer. The influence of hormones makes the voice more rough, may begin to grow facial hair. Even the character becomes more masculine, but not in the sense that you become courageous and strong. No, in this case, masculinity is manifested in lower quality, for example, in the rudeness.
With regard to health, beer adversely affect the endocrine system, heart, alimentary tract. Women who consume beer, several times greater chance "to buy" breast cancer. Effect of foam on the beverage different processes in the body may cause many diseases such as hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, brain cell death, neuropathy, gastritis, blood pressure. And this is just a small list of all possible.
In addition, using a beer or any other alcohol, the woman in the first place, must remember that it is the future or the real mother. If you do not know the beauty of motherhood, think about how you will affect the amount of drinking beer on the health of your future children. Even small amounts of liquor are carried on a genetic substrate, which may result in the birth of defective offspring, if not immediately, then in the subsequent generations. If you already have children, think about what kind of example you gave it to them.
Perhaps fans of beer can say that it is to some extent even useful. Maybe it was once. Initially, the beer was soft and to some extent even useful drink. But it is the case in our time? It is unlikely that all beer producers are more concerned about the health of consumers, rather than to their own advantage. And if you do not want to be another person who can not get out of beer alcoholism, forget about the existence of this drink.