Very often, in order to achieve a perfect flat stomach, ladies spend their days in the gym, shaking news and performing strength exercises. But the result is something not so visible. What's the matter? Let's see, what determines the fineness of our waistlines.
Quite often bulging belly arises from the disruption to the digestive system - stomach and intestines intoxicated simply stretched, creating the effect of a sufficiently thick belly. Therefore, in order to achieve poyavlveniya waist, you need to purge the body. How to do it?
Several days Eat breakfast with fresh salads rather crude vegetables: cabbage, beets, radishes, and with the addition of apples. This salad is best not to fill the oil and salt, because it should serve as a kind of scrub for the stomach and intestines. Well cleanses the digestive tract and wholemeal bread and bran, and cereal - make sure that in the diet were present anything of these products.
For their daily meals should also monitor, because very often the stomach is unable to cope with the excessive load, and all inadequate digested food turns into slag. Therefore, eat sensibly and properly combine foods! For example, we all know that carbohydrates are bad enough to digest protein, so as a side dish to stews (by the way, all the dishes and put out the best process for a couple, and do not fry) perfect salad instead of fries or spaghetti.
Fractional power will greatly facilitate the digestive process in the stomach will always miss the gastric juice, and all the nutrients from food are absorbed easily and completely. So, reduce, divide portions and eat more often. Gradually cease to accumulate toxins.
Never eat in a hurry or when nervous, because you do not notice how much more will eat, besides the brain to signal saturation comes much later, and you will feel an unpleasant sensation of hunger. At night is also better not to load, but it needs to tightly breakfast, preferably carbohydrates, snacking throughout the day and a hearty dinner. Drink plenty of warm water, so it is easier to control hunger pangs, besides, water ensures proper metabolism.
Be sure to strengthen your back muscles and correct posture as straight back not only provides a flat stomach, but also supports the correct positioning of the internal organs.