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Lavender essential oil acts on the human body at three levels - physical, emotional and mental. Lavender oil will bring calm and deep sleep if taken at bedtime put a drop on the pillow. Just oil is used to stop convulsions or inflammation. It helps to regenerate tissue, improves blood circulation.
Lavender essential oil helps reduce blood pressure. The elderly often observed rheumatism. With hot baths with the addition of lavender oil can relieve pain, improve circulation and withdraw toxins. When the pain in the abdomen or stomach will help warm compress with a few drops of lavender. He will bring quick relief, help normalize the functioning of the liver, help overcome indigestion, ulcers, diarrhea, intestinal worms.
Lavender essential oil helps with pain in the bladder. To do this, make a rubbing lavender. It will also help get rid of the inflammation in cystitis, pain during menstruation. Using oil prevents infection of wounds. Acts as an antiseptic. It is simply irreplaceable for sore throat, whooping cough, measles. If a person has received a burn, immediately necessary to put a couple of drops on the affected area. So you warn or relieve swelling. If the burn is not very high degree of gravity in the application of lavender oil may even lack of burn blisters. Women oil will help get rid of fungal infections of the vagina. To do this, the bath with the addition oflavender essential oil.
The smell of lavender helps with bronchial asthma, sore throat or cough. It is known that the use of lavender oil helps to avoid or reduce the negative effects of the irradiation. Helps to get rid of acne, increased from oily skin, dandruff and depriving. Just be aware that the smell of lavender can not tolerate fleas, moths, ants.
Lavender essential oil can be applied to any type of skin. It is an excellent tool for the treatment of acne, disinfects and heals wounds, helps to get rid of the scars that remain after acne. The oil helps restore the skin after solar and thermal burns, removes redness, heals cracks, helps in controlling dandruff. In medicine, the oil is used even when gangrene. If you make a mixture of oil of lavender and St. John's wort and applied to the skin, then after some time to restore the texture of the skin, will grow faster than new cells.
Mixturelavender essential oil with oil of bergamot and lemon great help against mosquito bites. Lavender is indispensable in the fight against herpes. It is often used as a means to care when damaged hair. It helps to get rid of dandruff and hair loss. Using lavender can care for sensitive and tired skin.
There is a huge number of various recipes with the addition of lavender essential oil. Here are some of them.
Headaches recommended packs of 2 drops of lavender, lemon, geranium and 1 drop of peppermint.
If you suffer from insomnia, make a mixture of these oils:
1) 3 drops of juniper, 2 - orange and jasmine 1 - rosemary, 1 - lavender;
2) 2 drops of chamomile, 2 - pine, 3 - lavender.
With fatigue can be a mixture of bath with the addition oflavender essential oil:
1) 2 drops of geranium, 2 - lemon, 2 - lavender, 2 - rosemary;
2) 3 drops orange 2 - rosemary, 2 - melissa, 1 - pine, 1 - thyme.
Before going to bed, you can add 2 drops of chamomile aroma lamp, 2 - Melissa, 2 - orange, 1 - cedar, 1 - lavender. The smell of this mixture will help relax and calm down before going to sleep, and sleep will be quiet and deep.
The cleaning composition for oil burner 4 drops lavender, 2 - lemon, 1 - sage and geranium will help your body cleanse.
Inhalations with essential oils are very useful for colds respiratory tract. With flu and common cold inhalations with the addition of 2 drops of lavender, 2 - chamomile, 2 - fir. Coughs and bronchitis are very good at helping inhalation with the addition of 2 drops of lavender, 3 - pine, 2 - anise, 2 -evkalipta 2 - thyme.
Very helpful bath usinglavender essential oil. Aromatic substances have a high penetrating power. They are very well absorbed by the skin and have a therapeutic effect. Before you take a bath with essential oils, be sure to take a shower to wash off with soap after no nutrients to be absorbed by your skin after taking a bath. After taking a bath just dip the body with a towel.
With excitement and nervous tension recommended bath oils of the following mixtures:
3 drops of geranium, 2 - lavender, 2 - juniper.
Hives take 15-minute bath of 3 drops of lavender, 5 - chamomile.
Very effective relief packs are usinglavender essential oilin various diseases.
At a fever will help a cold compress with 2 drops of lemon, lavender, mint and eucalyptus. Colic - a compress of 2 drops of peppermint, lavender and 3 - chamomile.
Received stretching for a quick recovery make a compress of 3 drops of juniper, rosemary, 2 - 5 and mint - tea tree.
When the cracks of the skin helps compress with 2 drops of geranium, 3 -romashki 1 - lemon, 4 - lavender. All this must be added to one teaspoon of vegetable oil and make application to the patients skin areas.
When inflammation of the gums make a mixture of 4 drops of fennel, lavender, chamomile, 2 - thyme, 1 - lemon. For every drop of this mixture was added 5 milliliters of water and rinse the teeth several times per day.
Natalia Garkavenko
Women's magazine JustLady