How to tie a finger

How to tie a finger
 When you cut your finger must be the first thing to stop the bleeding and bandaged right thing to do. It often happens that the necessary bandage is not, so you can use a clean handkerchief, or other suitable material.  
 First, you must treat the wound. If you are backpacking, then someone might find a kit with everything you need. Take hydrogen peroxide wash the wound. Then treated tissue around the cut green paint or iodine. Cover the wound pad and bandage finger sterile bandage.

If there was a cut in the road, the driver of transport necessarily must be a first aid kit. Refer to it, it will provide everything you need.

Upon receipt of the wound in the forest, while collecting mushrooms or on the river, where you left go fishing, the situation is somewhat more complicated. Treat the wound that is at your fingertips. This can be sparkling water or even vodka, which you have brought. Then try to connect neatly cut tissue at the site and to make them the cleanest material that you find in their pockets. This can be a napkin, handkerchief, toilet paper. Then wrap the finger. To this end, in extreme situations, suitable even cut off a piece of T-shirts or towels, socks and fabric belts.

Bandages finger tight, but not too tight so it does not turned blue. Do the few spiral movements along the entire length finger, more wrap directly over the wound. Then cut the end of the dressing to make the ties. One end of the crank in the same direction, and the other, expand to 180 degrees, and then tie them together.

When you return home immediately treat the wound with disinfectant and make sterile dressing materials.

Take an ordinary bandage, his first circle twice around the wrist, and then connecting a finger. Then the same spiral motion wrap a bandage on his finger, covering 2/3 of each previous round.

Upon detection of a strong tumor immediately contact the nearest hospital or emergency room. In any case not engaged in self-treatment and do not try to fill the wound with iodine or brilliant green. They only contribute to tissue necrosis and slow wound healing.

Tags: finger cut, ligation