Persons with reduced immunity changing weather causes colds in hypertensive patients - shortness of breath, nausea, high blood pressure (often hypertensive crisis), and bronchopulmonary diseases - increasing cough, shortness of breath, cyanosis of the skin in chronic patients - the aggravation of any disease. But the weather changes often cause a broken state, headache and muscle pain in healthy people, thereby preventing the hidden health problems, namely vessels. And if the time to take the necessary preventive measures in the future, you can forget about the negative impact of weather on health.
To overcome meteozavisimost needed to treat chronic diseases, to maintain the purity of the internal environment, ie, cleanse it of toxins and other unwanted substances, strengthen the cardiovascular system, control your weight, increase immunity, enough to stay in the open air, to actively move (walk, run), get enough sleep and eat right. These seemingly general recommendations form the basis of health.
To cleanse the body and strengthen the blood vessels is useful to regularly attend bath (steam room) and do contrast perfusion. Water tempering procedures contribute to adequate perception of vascular changes in temperature and changes in atmospheric pressure. An important contribution to strengthening the blood vessels to actively exercise. They improve blood circulation and increase the elasticity of blood vessels. Over time, these activities help to overcome meteozavisimost.
In the days of the alleged change of weather and atmospheric pressure, to prevent the deterioration of health, need more care of their health. Namely limitation of physical activity, moderate food intake, mainly lactic acid and plant, the use of healthy drinks. For hypertensive patients - a green or mint tea in patients with bronchopulmonary diseases - cocoa, warm milk or tea with milk. No less benefit will bring fresh fruit juices and fruit drinks.
Active preventive measures should start in the days of well-being and to continue them throughout life. Then the body for many years will not feel the negative impact of weather on health.