Cinnamon is produced from the bark of the cinnamon tree. Depending on the location and type of tree growth are several varieties of cinnamon, which have a different taste and aroma, differently valued in the market. The most famous types of cinnamon: Ceylon and Malabar, Chinese and spicy (cinnamon). We use in cooking mainly Ceylon cinnamon, the most expensive and useful in their properties.
Healing properties of cinnamon lie in its flavor, which is able to improve memory, stimulate the brain, increases efficiency. Known and bactericidal and disinfectant properties of cinnamon, preventing the growth of pathogenic fungi, including Candida common.
Cinnamon is struggling with deposits of cholesterol, thrombus formation due to the presence in it of dietary components and the calcium is good prevention of cancer.
Usedhealing properties of cinnamon and in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dietary fiber, which it contains, help rid the large intestine harmful salts to prevent violations of the intestine (diarrhea, constipation). Cinnamon is used to improve appetite, ease digestion by stimulating the production of gastric juice, the overall strengthening of the digestive tract.
Recent research scientists have shown thathealing properties of cinnamon can be used in the fight against diabetes type 2. The fact that the substance contains special cinnamon, which is recognized by cellular receptors such as insulin. This agent works well as insulin, whereby blood sugar in diabetic patients significantly reduced already at admission from 1 to 6 grams of cinnamon.
Cinnamon benefits for colds, due to its antibacterial properties. Particularly well during illness to drink ginger tea with cinnamon. This drink helps to reduce the symptoms of colds, has expectorant, diaphoretic properties thanks to help reduce body temperature.
In India, cinnamon combined with black pepper and pomegranate is used in hoarseness, liver disease, indigestion, and shortness of breath.
Except for the crust, from which produce and spice, used in folk medicine and stems. They are a good analgesic for liver and renal colic, have the ability to fight viruses and microbes, facilitate disease states in dysmenorrhea.
Cinnamon is also part of the warming ointments.
Healing properties of cinnamonPrepared in the form of an alcohol tincture of bark is bactericidal effect, the ability to kill disease-causing bacilli, including tuberculosis.
It is also believed that cinnamon improves vision, helps get rid of cataract (with direct injection into the eye), is able to cure ulcers and tumors, is an antidote to poisoning bleached and snakebites.
Cinnamon is used in medicinal collections to improve after a stroke, coronary heart disease, circulatory disorders. It is also useful to apply such fees seniors at age mental status changes, multiple sclerosis.
It is also known antidepressant effect of cinnamon and its ability to remove nervous tension, improve the health of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Besides its own therapeutic properties, cinnamon also enhances the beneficial effects of other herbal preparations.
There is, however, important thing that you should consider when buying cinnamon. In the markets often sell "fake cinnamon" or the box office. Usually it is cheaper and comes from Vietnam, China, Indonesia. This high quality cinnamon grown in Sri Lanka. There are other manufacturers of high-quality products, including those imported cassia, but not to be mistaken better still choose the one that brought from home.
The fact that the "false cinnamon," as in the present, there is a coumarin compound, a high concentration is extremely dangerous for health. So by eating cinnamon spice cookies with this serious risk of both children and adults who are poisoning enough to eat 6-8 pieces.
In this cinnamon content of this substance is negligible (about 0 02 g / kg), in "false", this figure is 100 times higher. If not cinnamon marked as "fake cinnamon" or "Indonesian cinnamon", check its authenticity can, dropping it with a solution of iodine. This cinnamon tint, cassia give deep blue color due to the presence of large amounts of starch.
Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady