It is assumed that the essential oils of natural origin substances being perfectly compatible with the human body, and nothing but use, it can not bring. In this case, all forget that the concentration of etheric substance in the plant is not as big as in the produced industrial way of essential oil. Aromatherapy as a way to impact on the human body, has no clearly defined rules and recommendations for use. Therefore, the statistics for cases when a person has the incidence of adverse reactions to essential oils, simply does not exist.
The trump card manufacturers and healers that use essential oils in their practice, is that aromatherapy as a way to treat and prevent various diseases, use from time immemorial. But this is not quite true. Essential oils have been widely used only in the 20th century. Before that, they were used exclusively in the perfume and pharmaceutical industries, and under the strict supervision and compliance with the adjusted proportions. Essential oils are highly complex chemical mixtures which, if improperly or carelessly application will not help, but only further aggravate your condition. Especially the need to use them cautiously in pregnant women and young children.
Hazardous oils can affect the human body in two ways: through the skin and airways. When applying oil on the skin, the following occurs. Part of the oil enters the cell surface layer and changing properties of the cell membrane, and distorts the physiological metabolic processes within the cell. Cell membranes determines whether the biochemical reactions in the tissues, so any outside interference can disrupt normal biological process. To avoidHazards of essential oilsMust be applied to the skin dilute solutions which consist of aromatic oils and solvent (ethyl alcohol, wax, vegetable oil).
The next method of application of essential oils on the body - through the sense of smell. Essential oils are highly concentrated aromas of plants in which the content of odorous substances exceed the natural factor of 50-100. Aromatic odor components begin to affect our receptors, triggering action in a variety of biochemical processes. Reaction toessential oils dangerous unpredictable, the result of their application may be allergic and soft tissue swelling of the upper respiratory tract.
To protect yourself and your loved ones from the use ofHazardous essential oilsFollow the advice of the women's magazine JustLady:
• Acquire essential oils only in stores, from reliable, well-established suppliers.
• Avoid buying, if the label is not specified clear information about the manufacturer, chemical composition and labeling is missing or contains no corresponding mean oil. Oil having a sloppy packaging, vague label -
dangerous essential oil.
• Do not use as a therapeutic synthetic essential oils. These oils are suitable only for flavoring and no relation to the recovery of the body do not have. At best, they are simply useless.
• Do not use essential oils with documented side effects (tansy, Verbenaceae, cinnamon and others.) It is not known how your body will react to their composition, so, if possible, replace them with more common essential oils.
• Do not use one essential oil in place of another, even if they have a similar chemical composition. One and the same substance may have a different effect, which depends on the concentration and composition of the total essential oil.
• Keep essential oils in dark containers, in a cool place, get rid of expired drugs. Oils with expired shelf life, long in the sun or in a warm place -
essential oils dangerous.
Most essential oils are not dangerous and successfully applied in various fields.Dangerous essential oils considered oils having pronounced signs of toxic substances confirmed, regardless of the dose and the method of application. These oils should be used in aromatherapy only under the supervision of a qualified professional or practitioner.
Hazardous oils: Ajwain, arnica, ragweed, calamus reed, Acorus calamus, Bolden, verbena, mustard, Gaultheria procumbens, nard, Spanish marjoram, oregano, sweet clover, irny root Kastusyou, camphor, rosin, Cinnamomum Chinese, bitter almond, juniper Cossack, pigweed, pennyroyal, wormwood, tansy, rue, anise seed, seed parsley, sassafras Brazilian, Thuja plicata, Thuja occidentalis, horseradish, Summer savory, savory mountain, yaborandi.
Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady