In the rubric Aromatherapy: Incense sticks
Strictly speaking, a separate stream of that name is not, but everyone is clear that the use of essential oils for young patients has some peculiarities.
As in the case of using aromatherapy for adults, buying essential oils, should pay attention to their quality and, of course, only buy natural oils and only in specialty stores or pharmacies.
Prerequisite is also correct storage and compliance with dosage.
Aromatherapy for Children and suggests carrying out some tests that will save your baby from unpleasant consequences, and you from unnecessary frustration.
If you intend to use aroma oils to scent the room, it is necessary to conduct such an experiment: drip a drop of oil on a cloth and let it sniff the baby several times during the day. If the kid feels good, and you do not notice the adverse reactions, so you can safely use this fragrance.
If you intend to use oils in the bath or applied to the skin, then do the following: dilute a drop of oil in the base oil and apply a small amount on the inside of the elbow. Watch for 24 hours. If you have not noticed any changes in the condition of the skin and deterioration of health of the child, you can add to your home first aid kit and the oil.
Another condition that must be followed when applying methodsAromatherapy for Children - Selection of oils according to age. The fact that children are much more sensitive than adults, they have a soft skin and a keen sense of smell, and some oils can have a negative impact.
For example,aromatherapy for childrenUnder the age of two weeks of age, pediatricians do not recommend at all. And if your baby was not yet two years old, you should consult a doctor aromatherapist.
The general guidelines for choosing thearomamasel for children as follows:
- From 2 weeks to 2 months - recommended chamomile, fennel, lavender, rose;
- From two months to 2 years old - you can add neroli, bergamot, ylang-ylang, mandarin, patchouli, sandalwood;
Can not be used in children:
- Up to a year - peppermint oil;
- Up to 6 years - geranium, tea tree, thyme, rosemary;
- Up to 12 years - oil of cloves.
Now that you have decided on the choice of oils, let's look at some recipesAromatherapy for ChildrenThat may be useful to you.
Catarrhal diseases
To remove the heat
From one year to six years
Dissolved in a small amount of warm water a few drops of lavender oil and wipe the body to lower the temperature.
After six years
In one dessert spoon of oil base to add 1 drop of tea tree oil and 2 drops of lavender and eucalyptus oils. Lubricated twice a day area glands, neck, groin, elbows and knees.
From one year to six years
1) Mix 10 ml of base 1 drop maleluki and lavender.
2) In 10 ml of base oil and 1 drop of myrtle and lavender.
Prepare your choice and use the mixture to massage the back and chest.
After six years
1) For dry cough drip in 1 liter of hot water and 1 drop of chamomile oil and eucalyptus. Make inhalation for 10 minutes. During the procedure the child a better offer to close your eyes, as getting the vapors of essential oils can cause tears. It's not terrible, but the child may not like forever and discourage those procedures.
2) When wet cough make inhalation, adding to a liter of hot water on a drop of eucalyptus oil and tea tree.
Intestinal disorders
Colic in infants
Prepare a mixture of 2 tablespoons of the oil base and 1 drop of oil of fennel. Gently massage the tummy clockwise.
Constipation bowel
From one year to six years
Massage the abdomen, rubbing a mixture of 10 ml of oil bases, 1 drop of mandarin and 1 drop of oil Roman chamomile.
After six years
The composition of the mixture of massage: 10 ml of base, 1 drop of marjoram, mandarin and mint.
From one year to six years
Prepare a mixture for a massage or a compress of 10 ml of base oil, 1 drop of Neroli and 1 drop of lavender.
After six years
Mix for a massage or a compress made from 10 ml of oil-base, 1 drop of neroli, ginger and 1 drop 1 drop Roman chamomile.
Skin problems
Diaper rash in babies
The two tablespoons of oil base to add 1 drop of chamomile oil. Lubricate reddened place.
1 tablespoon of very cold water add 5 drops of lavender to make a lotion made of cloth for 10 minutes. Then oil with a mixture of 1 dessert spoon of base oil, 3 drops of lavender and 2 drops of chamomile oil.
Children, like adults, love to take a bath. You can prepare for the baby fragrant bath, which will help him relax and work up a healthy sleep. For mixing, select the oil, which is best suited for your purposes, mix it with oil-base, add the liquid to the mixture to obtain a foam or half a cup of milk (kefir, yogurt).
Also Aromatherapy for Children aromatization involves a child's room. You can do this in order to prevent or treat colds complex, just to create a good mood in your child.
If the child is big enough to understand that it is impossible to touch a burning candle, you can disinfect the air by oil burner. To do this, a mixture of 2 drops of thyme, 2 drops of eucalyptus and 4 drops of tea tree (see. The age limit) Kindle aroma lamp with such a mixture can be twice a day.
Aromatherapy for Children is mainly in the fragrance application using oil to various objects. It can be made of wood crafts, clay or ceramic figurines, special aromamedalony or aromatic pillows. This is more secure - you do not need to make sure that my child does not set fire to the curtains, it is enough to drip a few drops of oil on the selected item and put it in the room.
So for babies with colds suitable mixture of 2 drops of chamomile and 1 drop of eucalyptus.
In order to create a cheerful joyful mood, use the following mixture:
1. 3 drops of lemon oil, 2 drops of chamomile oil and orange.
2. drops of oils of mandarin and lemon
3. 2 drops of cinnamon and lavender, 1 drop of rose oil.
Applyingaromatherapy for childrenNever apply essential oils, not diluted oil-based, on the skin. As suitable bases vegetable, almond, olive oil or other vehicles.
Do not allow children to take the essential oils inside - It is only suitable specially purified oils that can recommend a doctor. Do not use essential oils, which as you are not sure.
Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady