Lady Gaga becomes the first space bride?

 Dreaming of a wedding on the beach? Last century! Lady Gaga announced her desire to exchange rings with her lover Taylor Kinney in space.
Very soon, the journey will take place on Virgin Galactic, Richard Branson. During the first passenger flight into space Lady Gaga will give a concert, and may play a wedding. The singer decided that miss such an opportunity would be unforgivable. Once they are with Taylor Kinney will be on board the space ship, there can and celebrate. So, svaddba aboard Virgin Galactic will become a message of love of the universe, and Lady Gaga - the first space bride.
Pronounce the oath of eternal love and fidelity beyond Earth can couple at the beginning of next year. During the flight, the company will make them stars such as Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Ashton Kutcher, paying passenger seats for $ 250,000.
Lady Gaga becomes the first space bride?