Second, start applying the cream for stretch marks. Generally, such means should we use before childbirth. Cream returns skin elasticity and saturate it with the necessary nutrients.
Third, regularly take a contrast shower and use a rough washcloth. Such procedures stimulate blood flow, improve skin elasticity, help to cope with stretch marks and tighten breasts.
Fourth, drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. Such an amount of liquid necessary for the health of the organism and good skin condition.
Fifth, do not forget about exercise. They need to perform on a regular basis, at least five times a week.
Strengthen the muscles of the chest, you can use the usual push-ups, but to great effect can put a foot so that they were above the blade, then the burden will fall on the fully chest muscles.
Mix and match ups with workouts with dumbbells. The most common exercise for the chest looks like this: stand up straight, hands, lower down, press your elbows to the stomach, to the inner side of the forearm was facing away from you. Lift the dumbbells, keeping hands on the trunk. Need to do at least 30 reps.
It is also useful to perform a bench press: Lie down on a narrow bench so that the elbows was not all the way. You can do exercises on the floor, but it will not be as effective. Put your hands to the sides at shoulder level and bend them at the elbows. Straighten arms, lifting dumbbells up on the exhale. Do at least 20 repetitions, depending on the weight of the dumbbell.
You can also buy a special gripper for training the chest muscles or perform resistance training. Stand up straight, hands folded on chest level to each other, arrange elbows to the sides. Strongly push tassels at each other, and you can feel the tension in the muscles of the chest. You can also throw in the hands of the castle and stretch arms to the side.