Once you have a little kneaded long muscles, go to the slopes with a barbell on your shoulders. Keep in mind that during this exercise, the back should be perfectly straight. Using gymnastic belt will help you withstand the back straight for a longer time, which will greatly facilitate the exercise. Place the barbell on the shoulders, then bend forward at thirty or forty degrees, keeping your back straight. Straighten as slowly as dropped before. Make six sets of ten to twelve repetitions.
To finalize the muscles use the slopes sitting with dumbbells. Sit on the bench and spread her knees wide apart. Pick up a dumbbell with a heavy weight. Alternatively, you can also use the dial on the top of the bar fixed above the head or chest. Lean forward, keeping your back straight. After that, go up, but not completely straighten constantly keep your back toes. Perform ten repetitions, and then fully straighten. Do five sets with a minute break.
At completion, the exercises on your back is necessary to observe the perfect breathing technique. It lies in the fact that the force is on the exhale and relax - for inspiration. In addition, to ensure maximum exposure always keep your back straight, doing the exercises your entire body.