Miracle - Queen Margaret's diet

 On them we hear on TV and read in the glossy magazines. Thanks to them, lose weight movie stars and show business. They even talked about in the "Health" program. What is the phenomenon known nutritionist diets, and there are different diet Queen Margaret of the usual mono diets on the pages of women's magazine JustLady!

Kefir diet

Slimming stars

"The main thing - there is everything but a little! "- Shares the secrets of his weight loss husband and part-producer of the singer Valerie Joseph Prigogine. "It Lera first decided to lose a couple of pounds. Beautiful dietician Margarita Queen advised her diet - says Joseph. - It is so fast she lost 6 pounds ... I looked, looked at Leroux, then I thought: "And I was worse? "

"Morning is best to start with porridge. Before it is necessary to drink 1 cup or glass of water. Food can not drink - you need to drink only half an hour before meals or after. In general, the main thing in this diet - drinking lots of water: at least two liters of water daily - advises Joseph. - One day - discharge.

Need to eat cottage cheese and yogurt only all day. Remember: it is necessary to eat often. I eat five times a day and twice a snack. Should be excluded from the diet of sugar, bread, flour, pasta.

Meat, fish, chicken - all this is possible, but only 1 time a day, and the day and always with vegetables. No sauces! This salt-free diet. Meat should be steamed, fried - it's just death! During the day - there are a lot of protein, but the main thing - do not overeat. About butter and soda too sure. For one meal a man can eat no more than 300 grams of food, and a woman - 250. Yes ... And most importantly - no-ka-to-th alcohol! "

Rice, chicken, vegetables

Figure 3 days, then 3 days of chicken, vegetables and then 3 days.
All this without the salt and sugar.

Rice: Soak in the evening glass of unwashed rice in the morning in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. It turns out about 800 grams. Bank. In the morning, eats glass of rice, drinking green tea. Instead of salt can be a little lemon juice. And 7-8 pm it is necessary to finish eating this rice. For example - a tablespoon every hour.

Chicken: 1000-1200 c. Boiled. Fat-skin removed. Also eat during the day.

Vegetables: 800 gr. Bank day. For example, it may be a salad with no pickles.

Water and green tea - 2, 5 liters per day.

Orange - egg diet

6 oranges and 6 hard-boiled eggs (minus the yolk) per day. It's simple: eat up orange in the morning, an hour after the protein in an hour orange, etc.
All this with 2 to 5 liters of water or green tea.

Weight loss program is designed not for one or two days, and the period of preparation for the concert or filming, and for life. The main thing - to keep the result, together with a new way of life.
Eat 5-6 times a day until 6 pm - it's a must! After 6 pm is better to drink a cup of green tea with honey. The restaurant is open all night or eat arugula lettuce, washed down with a glass of dry white wine.

Do not starve. Fat cells can not starve!

Its purpose - to make reserves in case of hunger. And if today you do not even gone to the kitchen, then tomorrow, no matter what you ate, - must be corrected.

Drink 2 liters of fluid during the day. And remember that the drainage system is also slows down after 6-7 pm. So after 7pm drink no more than two glasses of water. Otherwise, most of the liquid will remain in the intercellular space and blood vessels, swelling of the morning.

Tags: star, chicken, blog, forum, heritage, vegetable, diet, nutrition, orange, nutritionist, Gurchenko