If regular sex life you have not had and you swept spontaneous passion and condoms at hand was not, have to resort to measures of emergency contraception. Tools such as "Postinor" or "eskapel" contain a sufficient dose of hormones in order to start an unscheduled menstruation and conception has not occurred. Need to take a pill for the first 48-72 hours after unplanned sex. However, for continuous use such a drug, of course, does not fit - it can seriously disrupt the cycle.
You have sex only with a single and fully trust him? In addition, you want to forget about the too heavy and painful menstruation and oily problem skin ... Then your choice - birth control pills. Modern oral contraceptives when used correctly, not only does no harm to health, but also help solve the problem of hair loss, or irregular menses.
You have multiple partners or you are not ready to move to a new level of relations with the constant boyfriend? Use condoms. They protect against unwanted pregnancy and protect against AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. This level of protection will not give no other contraceptive.
Do you have children and you have a new birth in the near future plan? Visit the gynecologist and consult on the introduction of the topic IUD. Its degree of contraceptive efficacy equivalent to hormonal.