Drink fresh, warmed, but not boiled milk in small sips. From 10 pm to 8 am there is nothing to eat or drink, except boiled water.
On the first day of the diet: 1 cup of milk every 2 hours (from 8 am to 10 pm).
On the second day: 1 glass of milk every 1.5 hours.
Third day: 1 glass of milk every hour.
The fourth, the fifth day: 1 glass of milk every 30 minutes.
Several times a day can be replaced by glass milk freshly squeezed fruit juice without sugar and other additives.
The next day after the diet before 12 pm drink milk every hour, lunch, eat a light vegetable salad with 2/3 teaspoon white yogurt, the next day eat for breakfast a little gruel (porridge) for dinner - salad, dinner - porridge. Avoid greasy, heavy meal after a long hunger strike, the stomach should be given time to get used again to the usual food, and only on the third day start to eat normally.
Less cruel and stressoobrazuyuschy option milk diet includes not only milk, but also dairy products, as well as fish, poultry, meat, vegetables and fruit.
Breakfast may consist of 200 grams of fat-free yogurt, low-fat yogurt or white yogurt with fruit, tea with milk or a cup of skim milk with 1 teaspoon of honey.
At lunch, 2 hours after the first one, you can eat 200 grams of cheese with olives and bell peppers and a cup of tea with milk. Also suitable liquid or semolina porridge with cottage cheese or yogurt.
For lunch: 200 grams of cottage cheese and fish cakes (200 grams of cheese and 200 grams of minced cod fillets knead and cook for a couple) or 200 grams of boiled fish, boiled or baked in foil without oil and fat meat or poultry.
For dinner (no later than 19.00): casserole of cheese and fruit or 300 ml of low-fat meat or fish broth with fresh or cooked vegetables.
Before going to bed you can drink a glass of buttermilk, yogurt, sour milk or milk with 1 teaspoon of honey.