Major misconceptions about weight loss

Major misconceptions about weight loss
 Topic of weight loss is very popular, it to negotiate and very young girls and older women. That such arguments are born of delusion, and that can not be called a lie, as a grain of truth in them, but they should not follow - in the best case just will not be the result, and at worst can cause health problems.
 Exercise perform better on an empty stomach.

It is believed that exercise is better on an empty stomach, because the body due to lack of received power will begin to burn fat during exercise. But this is not the case, the source of energy for the body muscles become so somewhere for an hour before classes need a snack light carbohydrate meal. After all, more and more scientists are inclined to believe that fats are burned for 24 hours after a workout.

Fat is burned only after twenty-minute active exercise.

Indeed, in the first 20 minutes, the body burns glycogen in the body, but it does not indicate that these same moments and do not burn fat. Studies have shown that during this period is burnt 80% carbohydrate and 20% fat, but after 40 minutes of training proportion is reversed. Much also depends on the intensity and tempo workouts.

A large number of drunk water helps burn fat

Indeed, the need to drink water, especially during intense workouts, rehydration. But scientific evidence that the consumption of water helps weight loss, no, except that if you replace the water all the usual high-calorie drinks.

The fewer calories you consume, the more weight you can lose

Indeed, if we reduce the daily intake of calories, the body begins to lose weight. But there is a big "but". Over time, the metabolism slows down, and will have to cut their portions again and again, until starvation, and the body begins to accumulate fat even cucumbers. In no case can not sit on low-calorie diets, they are very harmful to health and does not lead to the goal in the end.

Dinner after six in the evening promotes weight gain

Long breaks between meals only whet your appetite and awaken hungry, and he - the worst enemy of weight loss. So you need to eat regularly, and the evening meal will be quite something light for 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Carbohydrate intake leads to weight gain

Indeed, most of starchy foods contributes to weight gain, but the reason lies in calories, not carbohydrates, as almost all of them are very high in calories. However, this is not true, for example, fruit and vegetables.

Tags: weight loss, weight loss, most importantly, the myth