Harmful food: list of harmful products, the most harmful food

 There's an old joke: "All the best in this life either illegally or dissolute, or leads to obesity." Indeed, very often catch myself thinking that the most delicious food is the most harmful. Today we talk about the most harmful foods and consequences of their excessive use.

Under the heading Lose Weight Together: folk remedies for weight loss

So, before youa list of harmful productsIn which there were "lollipop", chewy candies and candy in colorful wrapping. Firstly, their structure includes a large amount of sugar, and addition of various chemical additives and substitutes, colorants and so forth.

Any chips are very harmful for our body, as are a mixture of a large number of carbohydrates and fats, with the addition of flavorings, colorings and flavorings. Sameharmful products a potato - fries.

Harmful food: list of harmful products, the most harmful food

Carbonated soft drinks are very bad influence on the gastrointestinal tract, as they represent a combination of hazardous chemicals, gas, and sugar. And to prove their danger to the human body is very easy, for example, if we take "Coca-Cola", you can easily remove it with the help of lime scale and rust, and imagine what's going on under the influence of the drink in your stomach! Also fizzy drinks are harmful significant concentration of sugars - the equivalent of 4-5 teaspoons per cup of water. Therefore it is not surprising that after you quench your thirst with lemonade, after 5 minutes you want to drink again.

Chocolate bars - is a separate topic of conversation. They constitute an enormous amount of carbohydrate blend, chemical additives, GMO, colorants and flavorings. Think of such popular in the 90s, "Snickers" and "Mars", the amount of glucose is it, that makes you want to eat these bars without interruption.

A special place amongharmful food occupy sausages. The fact that they contain a latent fats, i.e. pork rind, fat and fat. This whole "bouquet" secret flavors and taste substitutes. So if you want to eat and fragrant ham or sausages, buy sausages only top grade because of cheaper products is 80% of the transgenic soybean.
Also, our body copes poorly with fat meat. After all, where fats, there is accumulation of cholesterol, and the development of cardiovascular disease.

Mayonnaise. If you can make it at home, and there is moderate, much harm will not. But as soon as you buy mayonnaise in the store, and add it without zhadnichaya all the dishes, then just right next to the appetizing salads to put a sign "Danger". This is a veryharmful productContaining a huge number of carbohydrates, fats, dyes, substitutes, sweeteners etc. Therefore, think twice before adding to mayonezik fries. Particularly harmful mayonnaise in hamburgers, sandwiches and shawarma.

List of harmful products complement ketchup, various sauces and fillings that hit the shelves of our stores. Contents substitutes flavors, dyes, and genetically modified foods in them is also very high.

Particularly harmful to our body gets instant noodles, instant soups, mashed potatoes and juice of the "Jupiter" or "Zuko." These products are generally virtually useless as food because they are a "explosive" mixture for our body.

Salt - anotherharmful product, The consumption of which should be minimized, as it increases the pressure, contributes to the accumulation of toxins. Therefore, meals should add some salt in moderation.

Alcohol, even in miniscule doses interferes with the absorption of vitamins. However, in large quantities it's just poison, since alcohol adversely affects all systems and organs: liver, kidney, heart, brain and so on. And it is not necessary to talk about the benefits of wine or beer. They are really helpful, but at a very reasonable approach to its use (very rarely and in small doses).

What causes eatingharmful food? Unbalanced power leads to many diseases. Eating too much fatty food causes obesity.

Harmful productsComprising a plurality of dyes and substitutes, toxins act on the human body, and also addictive. Our body is constantly receiving small doses of poisons that gradually gets used to them and did not notify us of danger.

It is also important not only the quality of food and its amount. Eating disorders adversely affects our body - working all day, a resident of the metropolis can not normally eat lunch, so he normally eats only in the evening, and often at night. Besides trying to satisfy hungry man eats too much, as a result eats and gradually begins to gain weight.

Eating disorders - a straight road to the development of obesity, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases. If you want to eat something fromlist of harmful productsGiven earlier, think carefully about whether this hamburger, sausage or chocolate bar that you poison yourself ?!

Be reasonable! You longevity and health!

 Tatiana Tkachenko
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: product pressure, stomach, bar, diet, food, a list structure, mars, list flavor