Five rules effective diet

Five rules effective diet
 Oh, the fresh skin, a thin waist, tight stomach and firm ass. All women, no matter to what age group do you belong, I want to have it all listed above. Well, why not. In the noble cause of caring for their beauty, there are different methods, techniques and diet. And there are a few rules that will make any diet more effective and more attractive woman.

1. Feed your skin with live bacteria, or - Hail bifidok! And bifidokefir and bifidolayf and all other "bifidus" drinks. The live bacteria contained in these products are perfectly purified intestine make it work more active. Slagging and other problems are not regular bowel movements are reflected first of all on the skin - it becomes dull, may appear pimples and other byaki.

Make use of bifidus drinks all the time - and after a short while you are happily will contemplate in the mirror your reflection noticeably refreshed.

2. Build your body with the help of proteins. Protein - basic building material, bricks with which you build your body. Indulge in protein foods. It is fraught with a decrease in tone, slowing weight loss, general fatigue and deterioration of muscle mass.

Eat fish - it polyunsaturated fatty acids required for beauty, eggs, vegetable oil, nuts and meat. Eat protein foods in the afternoon and you can not limit yourself - so you will do your body a favor, and you will not have to torment hunger.

3. Fruits and vegetables - live vitamins. I enjoy raw vegetables and fruits - fine. Like to cook them - choose this method of cooking in which all useful vitamins and minerals remain largely. For example, cook them in opaque enamel saucepan with a lid.

Emphasize the reception of those fruits and vegetables that contain the highest number of beneficial vitamins. For example, one kiwi will give your body the daily requirement of vitamin C.

4. Beautiful nails and hair - silicon and sulfur to help you. Tomato juice - a storehouse of silicon and sulfur. And loved by many seafood - shrimp, squid, mussels and crabs. Very tasty and healthy! However, a little expensive. Replace these seafood sea as cabbage and receive from it the necessary material.

5. Useful meat. Yes, you do not "misheard" - namely, useful meat. Lean beef, veal, chicken and turkey, and even gourmet rabbit - all this useful meat, which will benefit your body tuned to weight loss.

It is better to cook minced meat - it's faster and easier to digest. Do not cook meat rich broth, bouillon useful first drain and eat only soup has a "second stage".

It is useful to wash down the meat pineapple / orange or pomegranate juice - it contributes to a better absorption of trace elements.

Remember that every person - individuality, and it is impossible to guarantee that the same diet will affect beneficial at all. But, subject to the above rules, especially if you do it regularly, your condition will improve, and diets become more efficient and enjoyable.

Tags: diet, vitamins, trace elements