The most useful diet: how to choose the right

The most useful diet: how to choose the right
 Almost half of the women concerned about their appearance, and in particular - are overweight. This excitement was the "gold mine" for the creators of different diets. Once the offer is not to lose weight. Especially dazzling ads like "lose 10 pounds in a week." And it try. Do not think that such an experiment on yourself can be very adversely affect health. Gastroenterologists shocked by the increasing incidence of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Not all honestly recognized due to illness, but some still say that dreaming and lose weight on a diet.

If a woman has decided to whatever was to lose weight, it is important to remember that any, even the most stunning results are not worth her health. Choosing a diet, you need not follow the terms specified in the sales letter, but by how this diet is balanced. The body must receive daily required amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Nothing can be ruled out, because the shortfall of some of the components may lead to an imbalance in the body as a whole, and other endocrine disorders. Another thing is that, for example, can replace animal fats with vegetable, as well as proteins.

One of the most effective and useful diet can be called a legume-cereal, which is shared by many Asian women. The main components of it are, as the name implies, legumes and grains. It should be excluded from the diet of animal protein, ie, all dairy products, animal fats, and carbohydrates of plant origin to get honey and dried fruit, not containing glucose (apple, pear, plum, apricot). Fresh and steamed vegetables are also included in the daily diet. But meat, fish, eggs can have only one day a week. Of course, excludes all flour products, sausage, coffee with cream. Preferably drink vegetable broths, fruit juices without sugar and green tea in any amount.

At first glance, it may seem that comply with such a diet is incredibly difficult. For the first time, perhaps, yes. After all, have to be reconstructed completely. This is not just an exception to the diet of some harmful products. This is, in fact, a new lifestyle. But the results - the best incentive. Nobody can guarantee you weight reduction per kilogram daily, because we are talking about a healthy, balanced diet. But the effect will be, and not temporary and permanent, without jumps and attacks a bad mood.

Tags: diet, diet