Secrets star diets

 Stars lose weight in different ways, each of them has its own super-diet.

Jennifer Lopez - LESS EXERCISE!

Chief nutritionist Hollywood Nicholas Perricone advises not to overload yourself physically demanding - the result does not depend on the amount of exercise, and the regularity of their performance. If you exercise daily for 20-30 minutes, combining power loads with cardio exercises, you will get a tummy, like J. Lo. The main rule according to coach Jennifer Lopez - do not exercise, if the muscles still ache from the previous lesson.

UMA THURMAN - a great meal!

Yes, exactly! 6 meals allows the body to use energy from fat, not muscle. This means that as a result you get a flat, elastic stomach. Food should be rich in protein, which is a lot of nuts and legumes. Do not forget the fresh vegetables, dairy products, eggs, lean meat, fish, whole grain bread and berries. Uma Thurman for the filming of "Kill Bill" dropped more than 10 kg, while eating ice cream, chocolate pudding, "I absorbed all kinds of desserts and sweets and managed to lose weight. ... You know why? Because apart from the sweet I did not eat anything at all! »


Every day to consume at least 2 liters of water. The same Dr. Perricone argues that if the body is even slightly dehydrated, you immediately begin to gain weight. In addition, the water washes away the body of toxins that interfere lose weight. Milla Jovovich: "I do not torture yourself in the gym, just do yoga and I drink a lot of water."

Paris Hilton - no stress!

Body under stress produces large amounts of the hormone cortisol, which leads to the formation of fat in the abdominal area. Often enough sleep and replace coffee with green tea.

Beyonce Knowles - not an ounce of salt!

Excessive salt intake causes fluid retention in the body leads to edema. Need to give up salt, soy sauce, and even ketchup. For the role of Austin Powers girlfriend Beyonce had to lose weight. The diet actress watched her father and part-time manager. He stripped her daughter salty foods and opportunities to have lunch of fried chicken. Beyonce suffering is not in vain: "Thanks to my good figure, the audience did not become too critical of my acting.

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