Diet: harm or benefit

Diet: harm or benefit
 Overweight - not only an aesthetic spectacle, but also a factor that has a huge impact on the human body. Cardiovascular system, spine, skin - all suffer from the extra pounds. A good way to correct its own weight is diet. But the desire to rapid effect or simply the wrong choice of diet the body is subjected to stress and can cause health problems.

Recently, in newspapers, magazines and on the Internet every day, there is information about new diets that can rid you of excess weight in a few days. Typically, these diets are widely advertised, but their creators are not ready to call aloud consequences which may result in one or another "miracle diet." A wrong diet can lead to disastrous results and strong changes in the body as a whole.

People who resort to various diets for weight loss, often do not take into account the reasons that led them to the fullest. With the help of diets they wish to quickly and effectively get rid of excess weight. Typically, these people are willing to make great sacrifices, but it is not ready to change your lifestyle, food hygiene and habits, can not correctly pick up the diet that meets the requirements it is their body.

When choosing a diet is usually not taken into account the following factors:

1. The severity of the diet. Most often, in order to achieve a rapid effect dieters choose a very strict diet, which resulted in their bodies exhausted to the point that they are unable to perform even the lightest physical work.

2. Lack of flexibility diet. Modern conditions rarely allow a person to adhere to the same diet every day for a long time. Such diets create unnecessary problems and discomfort.

3. Products permitted diet is not always suitable for food, for whatever reason. You can not turn your life in sacrifice fashion diet, or a diet favorite celebrity. This can lead to unknown and dangerous consequences.

4. Various popular diets consist of a strict set of products, from which it is impossible to depart for the sake of effect. But we must not forget that if you have a food allergy or intolerance of a product - this diet should be avoided.

5. The diet requires strict and has no indulgence in its observance. It is this reason leads to the fact that a person loses the will power breaks down and begins to eat with a triple force.

6. Any hostess on a diet, it is necessary to prepare a double set of dishes as well as dietary food does not fit or do not like the rest of the family.

7. A particular diet - this is a limited supply of nutrients in the body, which is quite dangerous to human health. Do not sit on a diet without consulting a health care professional.

8. Dieting often requires a permanent set of products, often expensive, which significantly affects the family budget.

9. Any neglect in the diet leads to metabolic disorders.

Scientific studies have shown that people who try to get rid of excess weight due to the waiver of certain products or due to a general decrease in energy intake of food consumed, often suffer from a decrease in the immune system.

Before you begin to comply with any diet, be sure to consult with your doctor. It will help you to assess the risk, to understand all the pros and cons of diet will give the necessary advice. The main rule - do not harm your body illiterate diet.

Tags: diet, the use of