Diet buckwheat porridge

Diet buckwheat porridge
 Buckwheat is considered one of the most useful, and the reason that it contains a lot of trace elements and minerals that are essential to every body. Because of these properties, buckwheat became the basis of one of the most popular diets - diet on buckwheat porridge.

So, if you decide to lose a few extra pounds on a diet is to use buckwheat porridge, then you have to mentally prepare. The first days will be difficult, and you will often desire to comprehend the break, but soon it will pass. Menu of the power system is quite simple, but in spite of this fact, it even exists in several versions.

First of all, you should decide how you will prepare itself porridge. Some dieters prefer to sleep for a night in a thick-walled pot or even a thermos at the rate of 1 cup dry buckwheat 3 cups of boiling water and drink steamed barley during the next day.

Other boiled buckwheat morning, afternoon and evening until 18:00, every time falling asleep 3-5 tablespoons. The main point of the two examples is the complete lack of cooking salt, which hinders the process of losing weight.

When you have chosen a more suitable way for you to prepare, it is worth remembering that the ideal is nothing other than buckwheat food consumed is impossible. However, given that the first 2-3 days of the diet is very poorly tolerated, and you may afford some unsweetened fruit and a glass or two of nonfat yogurt. By the way, nutritionists recommend that if such a system, the power to drink up to 2 liters of water or green tea, and take a multivitamin.

As for the results, they, like many mono-diet, just awesome. After just one week you can lose up to 5-7ti pounds, but should not deceive ourselves. Despite such a quick weight loss, it is also easy and returned, even in large amounts.

In order to not only lose weight, but also to keep the result, at the end of your diet is not necessary to go back to the old diet and eat flour and sweet. Of course, after weeks of deprivation, you will be quite difficult, but it is better to keep yourself in their hands and eat moderately. For example, for breakfast eat low-fat yogurt or boiled egg, and in the afternoon the same buckwheat only with boiled fish. By the way, buckwheat sharply excluded from the menu is not necessary, it should stay in it as long as possible.

Tags: weight, diet, pounds loss