Diet after giving birth

 Most of the women giving birth are faced with a difficult question: How to again regain its former shape? And if before exercise, starvation diets or have been successful in helping to effectively fight against overweight, but now many of the above methods simply are contraindicated. Young mum need a special diet after birth, which will not harm their own health, the health of the child, as well as allow to throw accumulated during pregnancy pounds.

It would be naive to believe that only onediet after giving birth solve all your problems. Those who want to quickly get back in shape, and have to remember about diet during pregnancy. Each of us knows that to lose weight is much harder than a regular keep your figure, from time to time giving up sweets or extra servings of fried potatoes at night. Therefore, we first explain how to eat during pregnancy todiet after giving birth gave rather the result.

Diet during pregnancy

You are preparing to become a mother being fully aware that the responsibility for the development and health of the child rests on your shoulders. According to some future mothers and fathers, nutrition pregnancy should be in double volume - a woman should have and for themselves and for the child. It is therefore particularly responsible expectant mothers begin to eat properly, believing that in this way they will ensure the health of themselves and the baby. It is a misconception to which doctors are struggling, as it may cause damage to the pregnant woman and the developing baby.

The main suggestions about the food in this case is practically the advice given by a healthy person. Need to eat moderately, small portions every 4-5 hours, not eating before bedtime. The main emphasis is on the quality of the food. The diet of pregnant women, as well as indiet after giving birthShould include as many fruits, vegetables, berries and herbs. Excluded from the diet foods with flavors, preservatives, flavoring agents and so on. As little as possible should consume fried, seasoned with sharp spices, salt. Meals should be balanced, daily rate:

- 100-120 grams of protein, 70-90 grams of which must be of animal origin;
- 80-100 g fat;
- 350-400 grams of carbohydrates.

It is important to remember about calcium, fluoride and other minerals: eat dairy products, and marine fish.

Diet after birth (for nursing mothers)

And then, finally, the long-awaited baby was born. Question about postpartum weight loss becomes more urgent. Even if you eat right during pregnancy, you unfortunately can not escape from a few pounds, which the female body in any case, lays "in reserve". Therefore,diet after giving birth avoid not work. Then you will need to have patience, because those who aspire to a rapid weight loss, and can doom themselves and the child in trouble. Remember that at least 2 months, you should not go on a diet at all, much less strike. During this period, you have to restore strength and energy.

Diet after giving birth - A smooth putting in order all your body. The first thing you can do: reducing the consumption of fat. Derived from food fats should make up no more than a quarter of the total. Eat fish or meat once a day during the morning or afternoon meal. Pay more attention to fresh, stewed and boiled vegetables that can be eaten without fear. Porridge and bread should eat within reasonable limits. Seeds, nuts, sweets should be excluded from power.

As you can see,diet after giving birth built on a reasonable balanced intake of all products. Its main difference from other diets - the lack of strict rules. Such a good idea to combine diet with some exercise, then the process of weight loss will go much faster and more efficiently.

Example diet after giving birth

The diet is well balanced and can be used long term. The diet is designed for a daily intake of 1,200 calories, once you achieve the desired result, add another 500 calories. However, remember that a mother breastfeeding her baby should receive no less than 2000 calories per day.
Select one of these options:

Toast, canned tomatoes - 100 g grated cheese - '12
A medium-sized banana, cereal with milk without sugar - '25
Toast, one egg.
Toast, Cheese - '25

Lunch Time
Jacket potatoes - 150 g, cheese - 25 grams, tomato, coleslaw, peach or pear.
Two slices of bread with soft mustard, one slice of ham, cheese - 25 grams, one cup of low-fat yogurt.
Toast - 2 pieces, boiled beans - 125 g banana.
Raw vegetables with low-fat yogurt sauce, lemon juice and a teaspoon of butter, cheese - 12 g, bun.

Chicken leg skinless grilled - 200 g, jacket potatoes - 125 g, braised carrots - 50 g, boiled corn - 50 g, squash, beans, orange.
Cauliflower and cheese - 25 g, vegetable salad, seasoned with lemon juice, a banana.
Spaghetti with sauce - 75 g (dry weight form), mixed salad, cheese - 25 g, apple sauce ingredients: lean ground beef - 50 g, tomatoes, greens.
Fish steak on the grill - 100 g, mashed potatoes on low-fat milk - 75 grams, tomatoes, green beans, broccoli, yogurt cup.
Liver on the grill - 100 g, jacket potatoes - 125 g cauliflower, orange, apple.

Two rolls, cheese - 25 g, tomatoes.
Grapes, chocolate biscuit.
Roll with bacon and cheese.
Pie with jam.

Toasting is best to take bread with bran.Diet after giving birth involves the use of products with a minimum fat content, so cheese, milk and yogurt should be free of grease. To use low-calorie salads and fresh vegetables.

Diet after giving birth it is not hard limits, but a way of correct and healthy diet. Does not undermine the health of hunger strikes in the first weeks after birth, have patience and forbearance. Then be sure in a few months you will find the desired volume, and soon will be able to easily re-use your favorite swimsuit.

 Tatiana Nikolaeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: gender, pregnancy, Ambassador, diet, food