Carbohydrate diet

 If this is not your first attempt to lose weight, you probably noticed that if you sit on the carbohydrate diet, eating fruits and vegetables, you are constantly tempted to before a delicious slice of roasted meat. If you chose a protein, then your body yearns for a slice of juicy orange or even vitamin salad. But most nutritionists say that you need to choose one or the other. Today women's magazine is JustLady you a new version of the carbohydrate diet, which does not exclude the protein, and therefore, you will not have to strain much to sustain a diet.

In the category Holidays: History of Valentine's Day

This method is based on the power to use a reasonable amount ofcarbohydrates, That is exactly what is needed for maintaining physiological processes in the body. After the fat is different. Body fat you have on the sides - it is certainly bad. But here is the same fat that accumulates in sufficient quantities in your muscles is essential and deplete its reserves are very risky. A constant amount of glycogen that you need to maintain - 1600 callas, it is the number ensure the normal operation of the liver and muscles.

Alsocarbohydrates - A source of energy that you just need, especially if you exercise regularly.
Proteins are also involved in metabolic processes, and therefore to give them up is not necessary. The most important thing to calculate precisely how much of the two you need.

And here you come to the aid conditional units - karbogramy. Their number corresponds to the numbercarbohydrates in a particular product. Your daily diet should include KBG 120-150 per day.

The richestcarbohydrates product - sugar. It is found in most foods, both vegetable and animal origin. This number you will be quite enough, so that added to the diet of refined sugar is not necessary. This is probably the only product on which you have to give. Also, you should avoid semi-finished and desserts, diet sodas, sugary low-calorie yogurt.

Try to refrain from snacking between meals. You can afford almost anything, until the chocolate, but in any case not snacking.
So, what you can eat? This is primarily carbohydratesWhich are divided into simple and complex.

The first group includes fruits, vegetables, honey, cereals, milk and dairy products.
The second - bread, flour, beans, pasta, starchy vegetables.
Over the same, you need protein. You have to get them from fish, meat, eggs, soybeans, sunflower seeds, milk and milk products. Each meal is necessary to add at least one protein product.

Try to choose lean meats and low fat dairy products - excess fat can hinder the process. Vegetable oils you are allowed, but they were not zealous.
Your rate, as has been said, KBG 120-150 per day. It is four fresh fruit and three servings of protein products.
In excess of this norm can you drink a glass of skim milk and add to the diet of a teaspoon of butter.

At day laid drink at least 1, 5 liters of water. Coffee with no more than two cups. As for alcoholic drinks, they also should be limited to 2 cups a day.
The following are exemplary menu of your meals with an indication of the amount of CBG.

0-5 KBG
• Scrambled eggs of two eggs or an omelet from two eggs with milk.
• Three slices of bacon, grilled with boiled or fried egg, or garnished with fried mushrooms and tomatoes.
• Smoked haddock or salmon with boiled or fried egg.

20 CBG
• Oatmeal on the water
• Couple toast with butter and boiled egg
• Toast with butter and a couple of teaspoons of marmalade
• Toast with cheese, grilled

30 CBG
• A portion of dry cereal with milk (half a cup)
• Salad of three fruits

35 CBG
• 2 tbsp. l. baked beans in tomato sauce and toast
• Two toast with cheese
• Two toast with butter and boiled egg and fried eggs from one egg.
• Banana and low-fat yogurt
• Sandwich with bacon

45 CBG
• A small bun with cream cheese and a slice of smoked salmon
• cereal with milk (100 ml) and compote
• Cocktail of milk, yogurt, banana and three strawberries.


 10 CBG
• Vegetable salad with a portion of chicken, fish or ham
• Any vegetable salad with pine nuts
• Half of avocado with smoked salmon or shrimp (slices of bacon) with green salad
• Any salad including tomatoes, corn, peppers, beets, carrots, onions.

25 CBG
• Soup with small bun
• 4 crackers with cheese
• Sandwich with lettuce, cheese, chicken tuna sludge

35 CBG
• The average slice of pizza with salad
• bagel, bagel, baguette stuffed with salad or portion
• Two sandwiches with ham, chicken, salad or cheese.

60 CBG
• The average potato with cheese or cottage cheese, or ham, or tuna, or with cream sauce with green onions (1 tbsp. L.) Or 1 tsp butter
• Small potato stuffed with meat


10 CBG
• A few slices of grapefruit
• A slice of melon
• Half corn cob
• Serve the soup with carrots, watercress, asparagus
• Serve mussels
• Serve shrimp
• Polkusochka bread with smoked salmon
• Salad of smoked mackerel with half a slice of bread

20 CBG

The following dishes are served with two or three vegetables
• Roasted meat, cleaned of fat
• Pork chop with 1 tbsp. l. gravy
• Stir-fried chicken with soy sauce
• Curry beef, chicken or seafood sauce
• steak with salad, peas and fried mushrooms
• Serve casserole parsnip and minced
• Fish, grilled or in wine sauce with herbs

35 CBG
Serve with salad or vegetables
• A small serving of lasagna

80 CBG
• Serve pasta with Bolognese sauce
• Any curry or chili with 3 tbsp. l rice
• Serve pasta with smoked salmon

20 CBG

• Half a banana with 3 tbsp. l. custard
• Simple bio-yogurt small jar
• Salad of three fruits
• Two scoops of ice cream

Just good for you to learn about the number of products per serving:
Pasta and rice - 4 tbsp. l. of dry product
 Vegetables - 3 tbsp. l.
Meat and fish - 75-100g
Soup - 200 ml
Cheese - 50g
Egg - 2 pieces

If you will strictly adhere to the required number of karbogramov, then a month later you can change the size of clothes.
And the most pleasant surprise - every week to arrange the vacation from the diet.
Enjoy your weight loss!

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: diet