It can cause beriberi endocrine diseases (especially the thyroid gland), liver disease and pancreatic cancer, exposure and slagging organism. Often the reason is lack of vitamins in diseases of the stomach and intestines. Thus, for example, gastritis with low acidity prevents the absorption of vitamin B12 necessary for the absorption of iron. Thus, gradually developing iron deficiency anemia. Due to dysbiosis (violation of intestinal microflora) also interfere with the absorption of vitamins. In addition to the walls of the intestine cease to synthesize their own vitamin group B.
Lack of vitamins in the body feels when their admission does not meet the current needs of the body. This occurs during the period of intensive growth, pregnancy and lactation, with heavy physical activity (sports) during serious illnesses or during recovery from them, as well as in the elderly. The need for vitamins increases during alcohol intake, smoking and certain medications.
Often the problem is not able to eliminate beriberi even ready multivitamin complexes. And it happens again due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dehydration, metabolic disorders, as well as the improper taking vitamins, as most of them are able to be acquired only in a certain combination, including with minerals. For instance, for the absorption of vitamin B6, magnesium required for iron - vitamin C, B9 and B12 for calcium - vitamin A, C, phosphorus and magnesium to vitamin A - selenium and vitamin E.
To fill the body with vitamins and minerals necessary to consume as much as possible cereals, as well as fruits and vegetables without heat treatment. And for the success of their assimilation to eliminate all possible diseases and conditions affecting the absorption of vitamins, namely goiter, dehydration and slagging of the organism.