How to remove a mole

How to remove a mole
 About moles, there is a lot of controversy, someone finds them ugly and seeks to get rid of spots, someone, on the contrary, believes that birthmarks - beautiful decoration and zest. But if you do decide to remove unwanted moles, it is quite possible to do.

There are several types of moles. Basically, they are divided into pigment, warty and vascular benign. Each holder of birthmarks should be closely monitored for possible changes in their moles. Obvious changes such as increase in size, color change signals may be of serious diseases, the most dangerous of them - melanoma or skin cancer.

There are several reasons for the removal of moles is necessary. These include:

- Suspicion of a malignant tumor;
- Finding a mole in a place where it will be constantly exposed to injury;
- External unattractiveness.

If the first two points is not in doubt, the third is the most controversial. So before you remove moles just because of what you do not like it, you should think about it and ask for advice even close. You might be surprised by their answers about your imaginary unattractive birthmarks.

In modern medicine, the mole was removed in the following ways. The most effective, especially in cases of suspected malignancy, is a surgical intervention. However, as the mole was removed together with the skin around on the spot removal is quite noticeable scar that does not look very aesthetically pleasing.

Electrocoagulation - this method for a long time with great success. With a mole removed when exposed to an electric current. After that, you can not check the birthmark of malignancy, also during the procedure may be painful.

Cryodestruction - almost the same as that of electrocoagulation, only a mole to liquid nitrogen, the procedure less painful. But birthmark also destroyed and can not be taken for verification.

And finally, the last method is the most modern, is laser removal. The procedure is painless, almost no scar remains, moles can be directed to the diagnosis. Due to the complex and expensive equipment method is mainly used only in large cities.

It should be remembered that the removal of a mole should be done only after consulting a doctor and conduct all necessary tests. At home, with the help of "grandmother's recipes" mole removal can lead to tragic consequences. Remember that it's your health that no one except you will not be able to save.

Tags: mole removal

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