In addition to treatment, sleep and also performs its basic functions: while it is resting your body and brain. Many women believe that sleep is also good for beauty. And they are right.
Unfortunately, many people suffer from sleep disorders. It is rare to meet someone who falls asleep easily, waking up rested and cheerfully goes to work. However, such a person become quite real. It is enough to observe some rules.
The most important thing - try to sleep with the sun. Your body is designed so that it should rest on the sky the moon and the stars. Accustom themselves to the regime, from 11 pm to 5 am - the most useful time to rest. For normal sleep will be enough for 5-6 hours on weekdays, weekends - at least 8. Try not to fall asleep during the day - will be harder to fall asleep at night.
Do not cram the night. This not only negatively affect your figure, but also prevents the body's sleep. After all, instead of rest, he is forced to digest food. With regard to posture for sleep, are accustomed to sleep on his side. Also harmless to do it on his back, but in such a situation is possible snoring. Most harmful posture for rest - lying on his stomach.
Important in the culture of sleep is the choice of bed. Most useful to sleep on a firm surface. But most importantly, make your bed was made from natural materials. The dimensions are also important. If you sleep together, get a bed at least 180 cm in width. Pick linens, which will feel comfortable. What will be more comfortable feeling, the stronger sleep.
Finally, be sure to prepare the room for healthy sleep. Ventilate the room. If it's hot, leave the window open, but close your door. During a night's rest our body especially defenseless, so drafts can cause colds. It is best to rest at a temperature of 18-20 degrees Celsius.
Problems with insomnia is good at solving fatigue. Therefore, active life, sports deprive you of any problems with sleep. Take a walk in the park, take a warm bath with salt and essential oils. This will give their results, and sleep this night is sure to be healthy.