Prevention of seasonal diseases

Prevention of seasonal diseases
 Each time, the inherent seasonal disease. Autumn many starts longing - it is bad, because the sad thoughts act on the immune system in the same destructive as infection.
 The main reason for the fall of depressive disorders is a lack of sunlight. Bright light activates the production of the hormone melatonin, which is closely related to endorphins. This hormone makes people hard-working, energetic, cheerful and uplifting endorphins. In the offseason, when the days are getting shorter, melatonin and endorphins decreases sharply. So bad mood - is normal and understandable. Lack of sunlight can make up quite artificial. Expand the day the curtains on the windows, bright lights in the evenings to help normalize hormone levels joy.

Try to spend more time on the street, go during the lunch break and walk on the weekends, especially in sunny weather. If the autumn is rainy, you can walk to the solarium, if there are no contraindications, and within reasonable limits.

The body needs more time to sleep, it's perfectly natural. Try to go to bed at 1, 5-2 hours earlier than usual, sleep at least 8-10 hours per day. Doctors say that daytime sleep can not compensate for the night. One hour of sleep in the daytime, we have two hours dark. If enough sleep at night, the body can begin irreversible processes and the immune system fails. This explains interseasonal melancholy and bad mood.

People who constantly nedosypaet more likely to suffer from depression. To make it easier to get up in the morning is recommended to install in the bedroom lamp that simulates the sunrise. These are on sale now. Devices equipped with a small timer for about 30 minutes before the alarm clock in the room becomes light, as a result of the body prepares to awakening. Alarm clock should not irritate, better, if the melody is slow. Do not get up immediately from the bed, lie down for another five minutes.

Surround yourself with bright objects. This can be things of yellow, red, blue. Buy fruit, since they make up for a lack of vitamin C, improve mood.

Buy at the pharmacy tools that increase immunity. They are sold without a prescription and have a good preventive effect. Taking capsules, tablets, and the drops are required by the instruction. You can take vitamin complexes and drink herbal teas.

Tags: cold, disease prevention