European Institute of Health conducted research in the field of formation lifestyle of modern women. It showed that 49% of those surveyed suffer from hypertension. 38% of elevated levels of cholesterol in the body. Do not show physical activity 49%. Excess weight is observed in 40% of women, 14% smoked 12 or more cigarettes per day. All this will lead to serious health problems with onset of menopause women. The main blow will come from the heart.
Of course, menopause is inevitable, but if you follow the 10 simple rules even before the onset of this difficult stage, you can save your health and prolong youth.
1. Stick to a healthy diet.
The principle of a healthy diet will be observed in the use of a variety of products in its composition. Watch the intake of all nutrients, but do not exceed the measure. Add in the diet dishes made with whole-grain cereals, abstain from animal fats. Take most of their menu fruits and vegetables, helps cleanse the body.
2. Control your weight
Minimum exercise, a little exercise, movement - it all allow you to keep fit. Physicians are advised to pay close attention to the deposition of fat in the abdominal area. They are witnesses to the fact that you face to face with diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes.
3. Watch out for sugar
Diabetes - an insidious disease. Insidiousness of it is that it does not manifest itself in terms of simptopatiki until there are negative consequences of its latent effect on the body. Diabetes impairs the ability of the body to protect the cardiovascular system. 5% to 6% of women with diabetes are included in the risk zone. Therefore it is very important for women to monitor the use and digestion with sugar.
4. Control your cholesterol
The situation with the cholesterol in the body similar to the situation with diabetes. The presence of cholesterol is not manifested until the disease resulting from blockage of the veins and arteries, such as atherosclerosis. To maintain control over the level of cholesterol to be tested annually for determining its amount in the blood.
5. Watch for pressure
Regularly measure the pressure. This therapeutic measure is particularly in demand by people suffering from headaches and dizzy. By measuring the pressure, you will be able to track the state of the body and help yourself avoid them.
6. Carry out a test for osteoporosis
If to be tested at regular intervals, you can avoid many diseases. From the age of 35 years, with a particular intensity is leaching of calcium from bones. This happens due to the termination of production of estrogen. Bones become brittle, frequent fractures, which are then very long time to heal. To hand over control of the situation test for osteoporosis.
7. pays a visit to the doctor
If earlier the woman has not experienced serious health problems, the transition to the new rhythms of life during menopause, they can occur. Explanations and tips will give you a qualified doctor.
8. Take the stress under control
Around us, a great many sources of stress: work, life, family. Make it a reassessment of things. Try to understand that in order to be a good mother, a wife and a colleague at work, you first need to be healthy, confident, full of strength and beauty of a woman. Delegate though sometimes their everyday business associates, and themselves at this time, please visit the gym or take a breath of air.
9. Do not smoke
Smoking contributes to the appearance of wrinkles, premature aging, deterioration of the skin, the appearance of lung diseases. Leave this habit and, with the onset of menopause, you will feel easy, your body and skin will look fresh.
10. Be physically active
Select to himself as a physical activity that you enjoy. Do not leave the class. Follow the small jogs with dog walk in the fresh air, access to the gym, arrange shopping.