Before embarking on cosmetic care, rinse in the shower under the warm water. Then carefully wipe and a hat, and go in a steam room. Start warming up the body on the bottom shelf to heat it gradually covered. In this case, the heart and blood vessels will not receive excessive load, the skin will gradually cleared, and the benefits of the pair will be the maximum.
After the first visit to the steam room, it is desirable to take a cool shower, then dip in the pool and relax 15-25 minutes. While relaxing drink green tea, mineral water, herbal teas. Under the influence of a couple of the body loses a lot of fluids, and must be replenished in a timely manner.
After a second visit to the sauna make a face mask. Excellent cleans pores mask scrub of oatmeal and milk. Products need to mix until thick slurry, then put the finished mask on face and neck, gently massage. Perfectly moisturize, cleanse and nourish the mask of dairy products, pulp of fruits and vegetables, egg yolk.
Hydrating mask should be done between visits to the steam room, as it warms the body and the fluid is actively going out. In the steam room you can rub the body scrub with salt and honey. Excellent scrub cleans the pores of the ground coffee and whipped cream, it should be applied after a steam bath.
Do not forget about the hair, they should also receive nutrition and hydration. Apply a mask, wrap polyethylene and a hat on top. It is desirable to sustain caregiver means at least 30 minutes. Excellent moisturizing mask of a mixture of castor oil and burdock, taken in the ratio of 1: 1, with the addition of 0, 5 tsp apple cider vinegar.