It is not necessary to bathe in a bath on a full stomach. This will only weakness and malaise. Hunger - is not the best condition for the pair, as will rush to the table and will not relax. Better eat for 1, 5 hours or until the bath through the same after that.
A visit to the steam room - it's always sweating, so that the body has not lost it needs moisture and at the same time easy to sweat, it is worth it to saturate vitamin drinks in advance.
It is hard to imagine a bath without a broom, in the preparation of which has its own quirks. Broom dry before using, soak in cold water. So he spread their leaves and acquire flavor. And in front of the steam well douse it with hot water. Fresh enough to shake a broom under cold water and soak in the steam room on the top shelf.
Before the steam room is not worth to wash with soap and water. Without the natural protective grease skin is more exposed to hot steam. This procedure is better to postpone until the last visit to the steam room. However, if you just stand in the shower a few minutes, you can help yourself improve sweating. Before you go to the steam room must be wiped dry, because moisture prevents sweating.
To avoid overheating in the steam room, a head is better to wear a felt or woolen hat and gloves for the hands to cook, to protect them from scalding steam during biting broom.
For uniform load pair is better positioned in a horizontal position and start from the bottom shelf, gradually getting used to the couple.
The first approach is necessary to make a short-term and without a broom to give your skin time napar and reveal the pores. With a broom can bathe in the second and subsequent visits. Much better when it does the other person. So you can well proparit body and keep your energy.
Steam broom must be consistent. First, catch up steam and only then, after light touches a broom to the skin, can soar biting movements of the trunk, and then the arms and legs.
After the pair should take a cool shower or dive into the pool and a few minutes to relax.
Steam can be visited 2-4 times depending on the state of health. Before the last visit to the steam room to wash with soap and opolosnuvshis for a few seconds to go in the steam room (without broom). Then again, rinse under cool shower. The temperature difference is very useful for blood vessels and skin.
Between calls in a steam room, you can drink some juice, fruit drinks, water, but in small quantities, so as not to overload the kidneys. Main fluid intake should be after a bath.
Regular visits to the sauna (at least 1 time per week) strengthens blood vessels, increases endurance, relieve him of accumulated toxins. Visiting guys should bring a sense of relief and light weakness throughout the body. If after a bath there are unpleasant sensations mean residence time in the steam room was too long.
It should be noted that the steam bath can be only in the absence of contraindications, such as: fever, epilepsy, kidney stones, hypertension, cancer.