Health Academy: a harmful and useful stress

Health Academy: a harmful and useful stress
 Nervous without damage to health is possible, but it does take time to learn how to stop. Many stress causes unpleasant associations. However, due to this state man could survive in the process of evolution. This is how the body comes in alertness, coping with unpleasant situations. And not harmful stress, and distress - an inadequate way out of stress.
 Stress occurs in response to changes, such as sleep and wakefulness, job changes, etc. He is not always negative, very often organism thus responds to positive events, such as marriage, birth of a child. Stress consists of three phases: start-up of the reaction under the influence of some factors that produce stress hormones and adaptation to work in an emergency mode, and finally out of the stress (distress). It prolonged the third period leads to a strong depletion, which threatens not only nervous disorders, and diseases.

Stress is useful because it mobilizes the body's makes to perform certain actions in an emergency mode, or simply gives rise to something. For example, in a situation like this, you can easily learn the material for the exam in one night.

With prolonged distress observed poor sleep, decreased appetite, frequent changes of mood without any reason, apathy, lack of desire to go anywhere out of the house, unexplainable tears and much more. These symptoms should be a cause for specialist advice.

To prolong the release of stress causes the inability to admit defeat or to forgive, a steady stream of unpleasant events or experiences, again and restarts the process. Of stress need to go right. Scientists are well known cases of people getting rid of such situations by means of fasting, for example, in the besieged Leningrad. But a more promising direction is considered a stress prevention, which includes hardening and sports.

In dealing with stress lead exercise. This can be not only aerobics, but daily morning jog. This load promotes the production of endorphins. In his spare time immersed in the hobby. It is necessary to pay special attention to diet. Eat on time, eat more vegetables and seafood. Adjust the dream, it should be at least 7-8 hours a day.

To quickly restore the balance, you can enjoy a cool drink in small sips, eat ice cream. This will help to calm down. Breathe deeply and freely. Learn to relax through meditation. All this contributes to the rapid get rid of negative emotions.

Tags: stress, health, yield, a situation Academy, distress